R | 10 September 2008 (USA)
SEAL Team VI Trailers

Inspired by actual events: This heroic saga depicts an elite counter-terrorism team's black ops incursion into Iraq four days prior to Operation: Desert Shield and the harrowing consequences its members faced when their covert mission was compromised.

Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
masahiro2270 I registered just for this film to call it a turd! Acting is bad,The uniforms are not even right. I can't believe I spent a dollar to rent this wreck of a movie. No patriotism in this movie at all. Just slap a ST6 name on it to make a dollar or two. Rent Act of Valor instead. I really dislike this movie. Rent an Xbox Game instead. Go play airsoft or paintball if you want a rush. Even rent 1991's Navy SEALS with Charlie Sheen instead of this. Ishtar is even a better movie. Wanna see SEALs see Tears of the Sun or Act of Valor. OMG ACU's in 1991? Train wreck on an epic scale. I really think that the company was just trying to jump on the bandwagon after the Bin Laden raid for a quick dollar using the ST6 (DEVGRU) name. How low can you go? Do not rent this movie.
bullseyejack-880-914376 . . . should drop to bended knees with their collective faces in the dirt and BEG Seal Team VI for forgiveness. IT. IS. THAT. BAD.The story (and I take literary license for calling it a story) is somehow connected to Operation Desert Shield, although the connection is tenuous at best. Basically, it's drop behind enemy lines (by HALO jump from a C-130 AFTER going aloft in a helo?) shoot at Islamists, get shot at by Islamists, and use a jumpy camera to give that "intensity of action" effect.Nevermind that the uniforms are wrong, the weapons are wrong, and the air support comes from stock footage rather than real aircraft.Then, there's the 10 minute "patriotic sermon" at the end. I haven't heard a diatribe like that since the third "Billy Jack" movie.The same guy was director, writer, producer, sound department, editorial department and underwater cameraman. He has only one credit on IMDb. This film shows why.If this is the only thing on TV, go sort your sock drawer. It will be infinitely more satisfying.
ccollins1982 i just finished watching this film and and was so moved i had to write a review it is one of the worst films i have ever seen i would advise someone not to bother i know with low budget films you got to expect it not to be on the level of some of the big budget films but this was truly terrible action scenes were boring and it made no sense why would you send a seal team in when you can use a stealth bomber it was complete rubbish...I'm guessing this is going to start a trend of films that are low budget and badly made like with the delta film series that carried on from delta force 1 and 2 ... ..... ......... ............ ........ ..... ..... ...... ..................... ..
arq101-2 I'm a fan of b-movies and cheesy movies in general..."Surf Nazis Must Die", "Toxic Avenger", etc etc... but this is by far the worst movie i have ever seen. Military or otherwise. Seriously, who green lit this pile of garbage? The other reviews were spot on, so many factual errors, continuity errors...just too many to count. I looked at the IMDb profile and this guy has only written one movie, which is a complete no brainer. so far this review has a better plot and flow that that movie did. The only sad part is he actually probably made at least a dollar off of it. This movie was not made by anyone that was ever in the military or even a fan of military movies. Apparently it's just a guy and his drinking buddies that had a few days to kill. Just a sad representation of the military and cinematography in general.