R | 07 July 1991 (USA)
Scorchers Trailers

Bayou La Teche, Louisiana sizzles as the Cajun town celebrates the wedding of Splendid and Dolan. The trouble comes on the wedding night when Splendid is determined to maintain her innocence. On the other side of town Splendids' cousin has her own problems. Her man has been sleeping with Thais, the town hooker. She heads to the Tiger Cafe with gun in hand to get back her man.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
kylesandlilands I don't know what sophiajg1 is ON (see her comment), but I think the most outstanding thing about Scorchers is that it's the worst written, worst directed, and worst acted (apart from Dunaway, Jones and Elliott, who can actually act) movie of all time! Every other actor in this movie (especially the leads) puts in an absolutely appalling performance. And it's not that they just had a bad day, but these are people who are just hopeless. You watch them acting, and constantly notice that they are ACTING. The casting choices are atrocious. I wouldn't use the script to wrap month-old fish. The DVD cover should contain a medical warning: The directing style of this movie might actually induce a coma in the viewer. Why anyone would EVER be foolish enough to finance a movie that contains the name David Beaird in any capacity whatsoever is totally beyond me.
jrome-4 and once you've accepted that then you are fine. Acting as a curtain between scenes are cuts to a camera zooming over a bayou. That said, this is one of my favourite films.Erotic though it is not. The main topic of the film may be sex but this is more of a psychological exploration than a bit of light porn. If you have rented this film for a night of risqué entertainment then I can see why you might be bored but this would be a problem of marketing more than anything else.The acting is excellent - especially the scenes between Dunaway, Elliot (it was one of his last films), Jones and Tilly. The music is great as well.Of course my family crawled from the bayous themselves so that would explain some of my affection for the film but I still highly recommend that everyone see this at least once just for the scene in the local bar which is brilliant. No explosions or special effects but just some really well crafted dialogue being delivered by some very good actors.
saltysunflower1965 I found this movie to be intriguing. Not what you normally expect from these actors.Jeniffer Tilly for instance does not play her normal bimbo sex kitten. Faye Dunaway still gorgeous enough to portray her rival and James Earl Jones less of his dignified self but perfectly fills his characters shoes. While the action sometimes seems to be moving slowly there is still enough mystery to make you wonder what is going to happen next.I have thought about this movie off and on since renting it and have been trying to purchase it but could not remember the name. True, it is not an edge of your seat movie but definitely thought provoking.
chriswarren Resembles a stage play. I have only watched it about 15 times in the past few years. The more it is watched, the more it becomes relaxing and comfortable. Unlike the action packed style that we have become used to, this movie does not move at a rapid pace. Very laid back. All of the actors do a fine job. The viewer soon discovers that there is no way to prepare for, and "know" what is going to happen next. After having visited the area, this appears to be based on real people, in real life situations. Answers a few questions that stay in the back of your mind, that you would never ask. Like any work of art, if you don't like it the first time, watch it again. Eventually, it will ease up on you. Like the swamp gator.