School's Out
School's Out
| 10 November 1999 (USA)
School's Out Trailers

A group of seniors decide to have a party in their school on graduation night. Unfortunately an uninvited guest with a pair of scissors crashes the party and it isn’t long before the bodies begin to pile up.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Dellamorte_Dellamore07 This movie had a cool case, and the summary on the back actually sounded kinda cool (can't go wrong with people getting trapped inside something and stalked by a masked killer), but after two minutes of watching the this trash The word FAST FORWARD, or better yet EJECT popped into my mind continuously. The plot involves four teens and one of the guys sister getting locked in a private school while trying to set up tricks for their teachers, they also haven't heard the warning on the radio that a lunatic has escaped. WOW!..don't get me wrong, I love slasher pics, NEED them actually, i could watch a lot over and over, it's not about the story, but mainly what the director does with the material. There is little gore, the characters are ugly and boring (no it wasn't the REALLY BAD dubbing, but that still annoyed me)and there was no suspense.The direction is to basic, what he thinks as stylish confuses me. How many times is he going to flash the killers weapon in front of the camera and hold them while the soundtrack blares it's epic over the top ho hum sleaze. There was only one little thing in this slop that interested me was the stalk sequence involving all these school board maps. That was pretty cool (Visual wise) but cut way to short. The chick as the opening victim (?or is she?) was dumber then rocks and freaking annoying. ON the back case summary it says the teens are "preaparing for the big rave", what rave?..that shitty excuse where their serving wine with plastic cups???..nice rave. Avoid this, especially if your a fan of slasher pics where people get trapped inside an enclosed area (michele Soavi's STAGEFRIGHT is a perfect example of this type of thing done right), this film is a childish excuse for SLASHER.
Schwalbach german giant of the thriller drama robert sigl manages to excite 90 minutes of horror in the tradition of "scream 1". fast speed, young actors with great talent - bloody showdown for a typical Sigl-Final. Cool horror in an intense and frightening atmosphere.
info-73 When reading most of the user comments here one thing becomes obvious: The problem with this film is that it is too mature for its target audience who only seem to be interested in butcher scenes. But if you belong to those viewers who are interested in other aspects in horror films you should give this movie a chance.
pumaye A good slasher movie, made in Germany, with a good young cast of anonymous people, this movie is a threat for the fan of the genre. A few of the stylish murder scene are very well made and very effective in catching the eye of the spectator (and new enough to hold the attention even of the more smaliziate viewers). After all, a movie to belong to every genre fan video shelf.