School Daze
School Daze
R | 12 February 1988 (USA)
School Daze Trailers

Fraternity and sorority members clash with other students at a historically black college during homecoming weekend.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
PodBill Just what I expected
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Michael I pray that racism isn't the reason this film has such a low rating on here.I'm a black college student who used to be in a white fraternity and this film is actually fairly accurate to the ideas those organizations promote.The acting is stellar, Laurence Fishburne, Giancarlo Esposito, Tisha Champbell, and Spike Lee steal the show but as much effort is put into almost every supporting role.The cinematography is done pretty well, not flawless but as a film buff I appreciated it. The music is awesome and keeps you engaged, it really serves as a nice break for the more dramatic scenes.The storyline is overall about finding yourself in college which is a very difficult task and even more difficult now in the age of social media.The only complaint I had about this film is that the actors don't really look like college students, but it's minuscule in comparison to the film's themes.I would recommend this film, but the primary audience is adults and I would keep high school students away from this film unless they're exceptionally mature for their age.Go into School Daze with an open mind and be prepared for a powerful film that sticks in your mind well after your initial viewing.
Brightseat_Bully So what if you went to Harvard and not Hampton, this film is still well-shot, well-acted and damn funny. If you can't understand the light vs. dark, town vs. gown, Greeks vs. GDI conflicts, maybe you don't... under... stand... English... well. I never saw the movie in its entirety until I was about 20 (and pledging at an HBCU, but that's another story) but it just got better as I got older. This movie is like many of Spike's: it's for a group of people (Black ones) that rarely get to tell their own stories. If other people get it, super. On a sidenote, what's so "universal" about Dirty Dancing? I've never had to drop out of a contest because of my botched abortion that Lenny from Law & Order had to come help me out with. I've also never been a small, Jewish man in New York City, but people seem to find Woody Allen's movies "universal" enough. Why don't these issues come up with movies made by whi... (ahem) other filmmakers?
jenjen29204 When this movie first came out I was six years old. From then on I would see it from time to time, but wasn't aware of what School Daze was about. Until I decided to go to an HBCU,then I knew exactly what the meaning of this movie was all about. If you have never attended an HBCU, you can't get the full effect of what this movie is saying. This movie gives you just enough of an HBCU. School Daze is special to me because it was filmed in the AUC, where I attended Dear ol Morris Brown College. This is one out of two of my favorite black college movies, Drumline is my other favorite black college movie which was also filmed in the AUC and which I was apart of.
JonTMarin (SOME SPOILERS) Coming off the heels of the successful "She's Gotta Have It", Spike Lee examines tension between blacks in "School Daze". When "School Daze" was originally released it caused an uproar in the African American community. African Americans accused Lee for "airing dirty laundry". A lot of this happened because "School Daze" showcases the tension between light skinned African Americans and dark skin African Americans. A lot of this true. This is seen more recently in music videos. A lot of models with darker complexion complain that women with lighter skin get all the spotlight. This has been going on for a long time in the African American community. This is seen in the rivalry between Tisha Campbell's character Jane and Kyme's character Rachel. They even get into an entertaining musical titled "Good or Bad Hair". The funny thing about that scene is that the darker women is in the group called Nappy and the lighter women is in the group Straight. This is also carried on in the feud between Dap (Laurence Fishburne) and Julian (Giancarlo Esposito). There is also a very thought provoking ending that is a must see (common Spike Lee trademark) With "School Daze" you get three in one, it's a frat comedy that turns into a musical that turns into a social statement. But nonetheless, this film is entertaining form beginning to end. Watch out for a lot of familiar faces, most of the cast went on to be huge stars.School Daze- rated R *** out of ****