Scents and Sensibility
Scents and Sensibility
PG | 13 May 2011 (USA)
Scents and Sensibility Trailers

In this modern adaptation of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility, Elinor and Marianne find themselves penniless after their father’s fortune is taken away. As they look for ways to pay the bills, they encounter people who judge them and try to keep them down in the dumps. Add falling in love into the mix, and determining whom to trust becomes a mine field. Can the sisters find a balance between relying on their hearts and using good sense without losing everything they hold dear?

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
sward-77432 I probably should have rated this even lower, except it's subjective, I'm trying to compare it to other bad movies I've seen. I'm a huge JA fan, both of her books and many of the movie/TV adaptations. Lost in Austen is an example of a good modern adaptation of JA story. Anyways, my complaints with this were many. The acting was poor, the writing was worse. Yes, problems like costumes are bad and distract from believability, perhaps miscasting. I found the story was offensive and poor choices were made. There is such a thing as taking a story too far from its original subject matter (and still claiming it to be an adaptation, or even based on an original story). I agree with others that having the father's circumstance be changed so drastically was an insult in itself. Also the fact that his entire family just writes him off and seemed little distressed over his fate other than how it directly affected them, even Eleanor who has classically been the loyal and dependable sister/daughter. This story is significantly changed also in that the mother and younger daughter (whose story is also significantly different) are seen in the beginning and then pretty much disappear for the remainder of the story. Yes, the main players are mostly visible, but don't expect this story to run parallel to the original much at all. Many of the scenes are so ridiculous, they are laughable. I would call it "very loosely based" on the original S&S. My recommendation would be, skip it unless you have a strong stomach for the ridiculousness.
peter-ryan8 The start of the movie is a little lousy and drastic however as you move further into the characters, the movie starts to gain momentum and catch your heart.Especially after the entry of the two male characters, the movie picks a nice touch romance and misunderstanding..nothing too innovative but well handled.The acting of all the main characters is very good. Although Nick Zano does not have a lot of role to play in the movie, he does make an impression with his acting, especially in the scenes in the copy room, showing confidence of a successful professional and awkwardness of someone who just started dating.The climax of the movie could have been a little elaborate, although it does its job. I would highly recommend watching the movie at leisure.
m2dad When I saw this movie listed on Neflix and saw who all was in the cast I had great hopes for this movie. The lovely Marla Sokoloff, the well-seasoned actress Ashley Williams, and the likable Nick Zano being in the movie pushed me to set aside time from my busy day and check this movie out. What a disappointment it turned out to be. The acting was flat. But, you can't blame the cast. The writing was quite uninspired and the only thing that would have saved this movie is if the cast was allowed to have free reign to ad lib their scenes. There is no doubt in my mind that they could have come up with better material than was presented in this drab movie. Did the Director even read through the script before taking on this project? No one in their right mind could've thought that the screenplay could be salvaged without a major over-haul. The title should have been "Keep on movin' folks, nothing to see here." I wish I'd been warned first before I took a chance on this disaster. My deepest sympathies to the cast. I hope your careers did not take a too big of hit for being associated with this perfectly forgettable screenplay.
Amy Adler Elinor Dashwood (Ashley Williams) and her more flighty sister, Marianne (Marla Sokoloff) get the most terrible news. Their father has been accused of running a ponzi-type investment company and is hauled off to jail. Used to many luxuries as "rich gals", this is harsh. Mother goes to live with an aunt, taking cancer stricken younger sister Margaret along. Her medicine alone is costly. Thus, our two Miss Dashwoods have to get jobs. Unluckily, their last name is a detriment to employment. Finally, Eleanor gets a lowly position as a spa girl-of-all-tasks while Marianne lies about her last name is snags as a job as the copy woman for a large firm. Still, paying bills is difficult. Making things worse is their vehicle, a rundown truck, which often leaves them in a bind. Also, Marianne's boyfriend of many years is away in Switzerland, making her lonely. But, silver linings arrive. Elinor meets a handsome lawyer, brother to the grumpy spa owner, while Marianne starts to become friends with a bright young executive colleague. Most importantly, an herbal cream that Marianne has invented becomes a hit at the spa, with women buying bottles left and right. Caution, ladies! Someone is still out to make major trouble for you both! This lovely update of Austen's classic is nicely done. Then, again, I could watch an infinite number of variations of such a great book! Williams and Sokoloff are fine as the indomitable Dashwood gals while the men in their lives are handsome and talented actors. In fact, all of the cast does good work. Then, too, costumes are terrific, as are sets, script and zesty direction. By all means, romcom and Austen fans. It just makes sense to seek this one out!