| 09 November 2005 (USA)
Scared Trailers

A group of freshmen on a road trip survive an accident, only to end up in an abandoned town where they are hunted down and killed one by one.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
sharkychen-1 Following the bloody patterns of its Hollywood pathfinders, the genre of "Slasher movies", such as "Friday the 13th"or "Scream", "Scared" has provided very creative and gory ways to torture the victims, all of them freshmen in college. If you're a fan of gore, "Scared" would definitely quench your thirst for blood. But if you are looking for a good plot, well, you're going to be way disappointed. How I wish the director deleted the last five minutes so that "Scared" would be a very stylish Thai slasher movie.The director tried to provide a twist, hoping it would lead the film to its climax. However, it was a lame attempt because the twist was so unpersuasive that it seemed awkward and even hilarious. Not every story needs a twist. Well, let's put it this way: not every film is of the "Saw" series. Please stop bombarding the audience with the same old last-five-minute TWIST. Can't we just have a STRAIGHT story? However,"Scared" still has its moments, such as some hot chicks in uniforms,some way too vivid torturing scenes, a soft touch of the mysterious Thai voodoo spells, and so on. Did I mention hot chicks in uniforms? Though there is no nudity in the film, it is still fun watching those school girls, one by one, getting taken care of. Well, I guess it is this sort of bad taste/fetish that makes audience (like me) buy the tickets
valec2000 One might forgive me for taking it short on the plot : teens take a trip to the woods. After the usual 20 minute introduction sequence, in which you can place your bet on who is going to survive, they start dying. It starts of rather scaring at first, if kind of all to familiar. One gets to see some well done gore and tension is kept up in a well executed tried-and-true Hollywood-teen-slasher way. (while there is no one dying, there are either creep effects or views on a fine selection of cute girls) perfect popcorn material until that. (yes the usual goofs the teen-slasher-affectioned wouldn't want to miss are present too ) Until the film went on to the part where it is due to unfold why the killing was taking part in the first place. Then things start to make no at all and not in a twin-peaks no sense kind of way, more in a : the scriptwriter got a call, s/he isn't going to be paid kind of way. Take all the stupid things killers do in your usual western sub-par b-slasher movie, pack all in to one, and you got the last third of 'scared'. The movie tries to compensate with a well known twist at the very end, that feels like it was smacked upon it, after it failed at the test screenings. But that doesn't help very much either. On the bottom line a movie that starts out like a decent entry to the slasher genre but wears off considerably to the end. People who collect this kind of stuff will see it anyway, others won't regret too much if there is nothing else watch and set expectations accordingly low
HumanoidOfFlesh The plot of "Scared" is very simple:we have a bus full of Thai school-kids on a school trip deep in a rain forest.Stranded by an accident,the survivors are viciously dispatched one by one in increasingly gruesome ways.Who is responsible for a series of brutal murders?"Scared" plays like the cross between "Battle Royale","My Little Eye" and American teen slasher flick.The action is fast-paced and the body count is surprisingly high.The death scenes are creative and quite gory.However the plot is thin and the characters are totally one-dimensional.Still the gore effects are effective with decapitations,impalements and heads split in half to boost."Scared" is certainly more engaging and entertaining than "Urban Legend" movies,"Cherry Falls" or similar crap.Give it a chance.7 out of 10.
EVOL666 I'm basing my opinion on SCARED solely on what I could "see" from the film, as the copy I watched has no English sub-titles or dubbing. I don't think I missed out on TOO much, but who knows. If this ever hits the States with a sub/dub track, I'll rewrite this review (if I feel differently about it after knowing what the hell the characters are talking about...).A group of students go way out in the middle of nowhere for some sort of field-trip. The bus they're in goes over an old-ass bridge that of course collapses. Some students (and the bus-driver) are killed immediately from the accident, the rest have to fend for themselves until they can figure out what to do. Throw in a guy going' around and hackin' the kids up - and that's about it. There is a twist ending that seemed pretty cool, that is if what I thought happened actually happened, being that I couldn't understand what anyone was saying...SCARED seemed decent overall, but I will say that although there is some decent gore - I was expecting an all-out blood-bath from the trailer I had seen, and it doesn't really deliver on that level. Neither does ART OF THE DEVIL 2 for that matter (also based on what I saw from the trailer) - but I think SCARED will be of interest to slasher fans if it hits over here with some sort of English-language track, and would recommend giving it a look...7/10