Scarecrow Gone Wild
Scarecrow Gone Wild
R | 15 June 2004 (USA)
Scarecrow Gone Wild Trailers

College mischief spins out of control unleashing a horrifying scarecrow who terrorizes a resort town during Spring Break.

Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Crap_Connoisseur Scarecrow Gone Wild does not belong to the "Scarecrow" horror franchise, which started with Emmanuel Itier's film and continued with "Scarecrow Slayer". That said, Scarecrow Gone Wild is very much in the same vein as those films and will appeal to "Scarecrow" fans.The biggest difference between this film and the other scarecrow movies is in its approach to the genre. The original "Scarecrow" was a dark, supernatural revenge film, while the sequel blended in a broader spectrum of victims but still remained true to the revenge philosophy. Scarecrow Gone Wild, on the other hand, follows a standard slasher film framework and is much closer to mainstream horror, with the requisite jolts, comedic quips and surprise moments. I'm not a big fan of most comedy/horror films but Scarecrow Gone Wild is made with such Z-movie spirit that I found it difficult to resist.This interpretation of the story involves Sam being tied to the scarecrow during a hazing ritual. Unfortunately, Sam has diabetes and goes into insulin shock. In his comatose state, Sam's spirit merges with the Scarecrow and he promptly begins to slice and dice everyone in sight. The action comes thick and fast, with a series of increasingly unrealistic murders. This film uses every cheesy horror cliché in the book and yet that somehow just adds to its appeal. The humour generally misses the mark, but there are sufficient vaguely amusing scenarios and unintentionally funny moments to make the interludes between killings bearable.The film benefits greatly from an enthusiastic cameo performance from the 'world's most dangerous man' himself, UFC wrestler Ken Shamrock. His hammy performance as the coach was the bad acting highlight for me, particularly during his beach side duel with the scarecrow. The main actors were competent, particularly Matthew Linhardt as Jack and David Zelina, who impresses as Mike. The special effects are reasonable but less impressive than the other "Scarecrow" films. I don't expect much from such a low budget movie but Scarecrow Gone Wild often takes the easy way out by having the murders take place off screen.Scarecrow Gone Wild is stupid fun. The film never pretends to be anything other than trashy, low budget horror and for that I am thankful. I have my fingers crossed that the dumbest character in horror history will grace video stores with yet another ridiculous adventure in the not too distant future.
WeezeL365 My roommate and I have another friend that works at a local Blockbuster Video. He finds truly awful movies for us and tells us about them. One of them was a "Christmas Horror" film starring former professional wrestler Bill Goldberg as a killer Satna Claus. We didn't watch it immediately, but we didn't think there could be anything worse. Apparently, we were wrong. We were shown this slasher film "starring" Ken Shamrock versus a murderous scarecrow. At first we thought Ken would actually BE the killer scarecrow, and that's why we wanted to watch, but he wasn't, and that made the movie even worse. What absolutely RUINED the movie was the teen drama. If you want to save your brain cells from trying to escape from your head, NEVER EVER WATCH THIS MOVIE.
Verona I actually didn't know this was a sequel to anything, I shudder to think the first two were any better. I am a horror nut, especially B-Movies, but I had enough and turned it off when- YES- the scarecrow comes OUT OF THE WATER (HES SUPPOSEDLY MADE OF STRAW) and Jason Voorhees-style grabs the girl from behind and brings her down. Did the scarecrow have Bermuda shorts for his time on the beach? I mean flannel and all... Also there was a hospital, then beach, then cornfield, then school- anymore jumping around, it shouldve been considered a vignette. 4 different stories apparently.It was one of the worst things I've ever seen in my life. At least Troma KNOWS its bad- I don't think this film did!
SpansonCrackle24 Wow! Here comes another straight-to-video scarecrow movie to keep the cinematic masochists happy. If the cheap-looking opening credits don't tell you you're in for quite a ride, then the diabolically tragic "writing" sure will.A diabetic kid gets tied on to a legendary scarecrow as part of his initiation onto the baseball team. Then the scarecrow goes nuts and starts offing people. Need I say more? This movie consists greatly of cheap effects that makes it look like it was edited with iMovie (note that spooky color inversion) and actors who apparently weren't good enough to show up on some late-night Cinemax special. Actually, thats not fair, as the actors didn't have much room to work around the abysmal script. Parts of this movie really seem like parody, especially when one character picks up his guitar and starts playing the worst song ever conceived by humans, with the worst lip-synching ever performed to go along with it. The "gore" here is also a major disappointment. In most B-movies such as this, there is a thick layer of cheap gore FX to make up for what the story and acting lacks. Here, the stuff is so cheap that it's not even fun. This movie actually makes "Jack Frost 2" look like lots of fun in comparison.If you think this movie is the "worst one you've ever seen" then you probably haven't gotten deep into the world of straight-to-video B-horror. Regardless, this movie will cause you a great deal of mental anguish, no matter what your background.