Scandal: 15 Minutes of Fame
Scandal: 15 Minutes of Fame
| 06 January 2001 (USA)
Scandal: 15 Minutes of Fame Trailers

Three women, an asping actress, a reporter, and a lawyer, hatch a scheme to enrich each other. The actress will fake a sexual harassment charge against a politician and get a lot of publicity, the reporter will get the scoop, and the lawyer will get a reputation for defending the actress. The scam goes as planned, but things start to break down.

Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Smooth B Also known as "15 Minutes of Fame", this Cinemax classic is on my short list of favorite sexy/erotica/soft-core movies.The gist of the plot is as follows. Don't read all of it if you plan on sticking through the whole flick:Three friends--an actress (Regina Russell, the red-haired vixen), a lawyer (Shauna O'Brien, getting better with each passing movie), and a reporter (Kira Reed, always a favorite of mine), are looking to break out of the monotony of their everyday lives and do something crazy, something scandalous. They devise a plan to get some attention for all of them and move up in the world. Here's the scheme: The actress tricks a high-profile senator into coming on to her, the reporter takes some quick snapshots, and the lawyer comes in to represent the poor, innocent "victim". Bing, bang, boom. Instant success. The reporter has her own byline. The lawyer becomes a partner at her law firm and is also dating the senator's son. The actress gets a seven-figure book deal.That's just the first half on the movie. From there to the end, you see how their lives change and what happens to those around them. It's an interesting look at how fame and fortune can come and go in a blink of an eye. Throw in a heavy dose of sex and you've got yourself an awesome movie. See it on Cinemax when it's on in your neighborhood.
oh madeline Not all movies are serious pieces of art. If you are in the mood for a sexy movie to enjoy with your boyfriend on a special night, this will make you laugh and turn you on, and is not as degrading to women as the majority of the genre. There were some good lines and all three actually was some real acting going on in the non-nudie scenes, much better than I expected. I thought the reporter was the best of the three, but the three of them had the appropriate chemistry together. My biggest criticism is that with the exception of the actor who played the agent, none of the men could act, and none of them had exceptional bodies either. Regina Russell's boyfriend, in particular, had a terribly scrawny body, and looked like he was reading word-for-word. The one playing the movie star wasn't too bad though. Have fun.
Ethan S. This film is another in a series of "vignettes" by Siritsky Productions. You can always tell when you are about to see one because the intro includes snippets from all of his similar productions (all involving scandal and revenge), not just the one you are about to watch. In any event, like all the others, this one is just a vehicle to show off the stunning bodies of Regina Russell, Shauna O'Brien, Kira Reed, and to some extent, Kim Dawson. Frankly, I was disappointed to see Kim Dawson in this, as she really does not look good in it (purposefully, I believe), and her acting abilities are more deserving. If you are interested, Regina does a sufficient job of describing the limited plot in the comment below this, but don't forget what the true purpose of this type of film really is.
cousinjon Sure the acting was good! The Plot needs a lot of work. But hey, it all boils down to..."Sex Sells" This "movie" was all about sex, it seemed every five minutes there was someone having sex with someone! No REAL plot or character development at all. If you took out all your nude scenes you would have your "15 Minutes of Fame"! I am sorry to say this, but this "movie" was not worth my time. Plot-less nudy movies never really entertained me!
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