Savage Sam
Savage Sam
NR | 01 June 1963 (USA)
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Travis, Arliss, and Lisbeth are captured by Apaches while Old Yeller's son, Sam, tracks their trail.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Nita Stop over-thinking it! This movie was made in 1963! As a child, I didn't realize it was a sequel to Old Yeller and I didn't care. I took it for what it was-a movie about two boys and a dog in the old west. Yeah, watching it now, I see that it's corny and the portrayal of the Apaches is less than politically correct. But if you pay close attention toward the end of the movie, there is a nod to the concept that maybe it isn't really the "Indians" who are the savages after all. This is unusual for a 60's film but especially one so enthusiastically criticized here as being shallow, cheesy, etc. The movie speaks to the innocence of the early 60's-just enjoy it! And to those of you who say the dog has no personality-you must not know dogs...
wes-connors Six years after "Old Yeller", Tommy Kirk (as Travis Coates) and Kevin Corcoran (as Arliss Coates) are home alone. The disappearance of "Young Yeller" is never explained. Parents Katie and Jim Coates are away from the ranch, caring for an ailing grandmother - but, don't worry, Brian Keith (as Uncle Beck Coates) checks up on the lads. Still, they are kidnapped by Native American Indians. So, can New Dog on the Block "Savage Sam" save Mr. Kirk, brother Corcoran, and Marta Kristen (as Lisbeth Searcy) from the savage Indians? Stupid, insulting, offensive, and unworthy… To be blunt, "Old Yeller" was one of the BEST films of this type, and "Savage Sam" is one of the WORST films of this type. They should have let sleeping dogs lie. Replacement pooch "Sam" is given no personality, and has almost nothing to do. The dog should have barked, "Get me out of this picture!" The "Injun" abduction scenes are unbelievably wretched. On the plus side, the Coates Family farm set, and location, is Disney dreamy - you couldn't help but want to live there. And, you get to see beautiful Ms. Kristen before she became "Lost in Space". But, really… you wouldn't send a dog out to see a movie like this.** Savage Sam (6/1/63) Norman Tokar ~ Tommy Kirk, Kevin Corcoran, Brian Keith, Marta Kristen
rebeljenn 'Savage Sam' is the sequel to the ever-popular Disney film 'Old Yeller'. This film introduces a new canine hero, Sam. The boys have grown up now, and they end up being kidnapped by a tribe of Native Americans. It is up to Sam to help rescue them. I do not know how the story particularly ends, but this film was not nearly as engaging as 'Old Yeller', nor did it have the suspense and the emotional tear-jerking struggle at the end...or, if it intended to, it did not work. 'Old Yeller' is a classic, so it is difficult to create an equally good or better film, but this one does have its moments with providing some entertainment for the children. I would not recommend it unless you're really into these films and loved 'Old Yeller'...then, I suppose you have to see it.
WebMonkey-16mm i've recently obtained savage sam on 35mm in technicolor no less. the kids and i love watching it on my outdoor theater setup. i show all kinds of stuff on 16mm and now recently 35mm. savage sam is a favorite.