NR | 17 October 2008 (USA)
Sauna Trailers

It is 1595. Brutal wars have just ended in an uneasy peace between Protestant Sweden and Orthodox Russia. We focus on the spiritual defeats of two conquered Finnish brothers, one a hardened near-psychopathic war hero, the other a gentle scientist in an age with no use for such men. They find themselves in the swampy interior, demarcating the new border with a unit of sadistic Russians.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
illegal_alien51 As mentioned by many reviewers, this is not so much a pure horror film. In stead it has the feeling of a dark historical tale with some bits of horror added. If you want gore, zombies, or other very graphical action, then you will not be served well here. In stead you will find a drama that talks about guilt, to some degree madness. Non the less, it is still very brutal and raw.If you are used to Hollywood then this is likely not your kind of movie. It paces differently and if you are not from Scandinavia yourself, then you do well watching with an open mind. You will find an honest straight forwardness and human depth in this that is just common for the region. It permeates this movie, makes it go in its own pace, and either you know and recognize it, or you will have to take its word for it. If you can neither, you will not enjoy this.
swearm_x ...missing the target after all.Great in terms of stylish clear cinematography, look and details of costumes, effects, make-up, sets, the acting, lights, character-building and the main idea/plot.Not so great is several. On the one hand, horror arises only for thin-skinned people in my opinion, but this is OK. Though it may have been achieved by giving the certain scenes time to unfold and also more depth in that(=>longer film). On the other hand, despite the foreboding symbols and events and the over all somehow conclusive story are some "mysteries" not quite fitting into the puzzle, especially not the ending. May it be because of a need for a controversial, "thoughtful" end or because of lack of better ideas or lack of movie-time. Anyhow, it doesn't fit for me. In the end it is another missed chance, despite very good ideas, resources(sets, costumes, filming,...) and acting caused by either bad producing (pressure, constraining) or simply bad writing/directing in terms of bringing all together for the masterpiece. And if it has to be longer for that - be it! Don't be shy!
experten-1 It is a stylish gloomy film. But it is very boring film. Action occurs very slowly. Events are not present. Besides, the film contains too many anachronisms and historical errors.The uniform of soldiers, their ranks, a manner to speak and many other things does not correspond to time in which there is a film action.The sense of events also is not clear. Nevertheless, once it is possible to look. From the pleasant moments it is necessary to note good work of actors. Gloom of a film is well allocated thanks to excellent work of the camera man. This film can very much it will be pleasant to fans of gloomy mystical thrillers. My rating 4/10
BronzeKeilani26 Comcast is going to reimburse my $6.99 for this half good, half crap movie, believe that. First of all, whoever slapped the subtitles on here has bad comprehension of our English language. Some of the stuff wasn't put in context right(if that makes any sense). Secondly, it started off w/ the right atmosphere & excellent potential, than right smack in the middle it went off in left field! I mean waaay off, and never found it's way back! I had to keep rewinding b/c I'm the type that has to understand what I'm watching to enjoy a movie. It start making no sense once they found the village midway through the film. It's like the director didn't know where to go w/ it...or was in a rush to end it. The editing was horrific towards the ending also. Example: One minute Eerik was sitting down having a sensible conversation w/ a lady, the next minute he was way over at the sauna(swamp) flipping out. How he got there or why he even went is beyond me? Than his brother (Knut) was in the village & show some men talking. The very next scene it's suddenly night with Knut standing at a doorway in a trance. Two eerie looking arms reach out & stick a tooth in his mouth. Than the 2 border soldiers they arrived with appear behind him and he turns around and tells them to save their soul, and hands them the tooth..STUPID. The scene than changes to the next day. They never really explained to us "exactly" what the building in the middle of the swamp (was), or how his brother became whatever he became, or allowed us to c what he became for that matter. At one point, the only child in the village said dude's brother isn't the same person anymore & took everyone to the swamp, but it never tells us why or what he did w/ them at the swamp. Nor did we ever see them again & only seen the back of the brother b/c the film ended 5, 10 minutes later. The ending puts the icing on the cake & really throws us off. I was like, what just happened??? The acting was powerful & really good, but man, the director blew this movie BIG TIME