Santa's Surprise
Santa's Surprise
| 05 December 1947 (USA)
Santa's Surprise Trailers

Seven children from around the world follow Santa home on Christmas Eve and decide to surprise him with some help around the house while he sleeps.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Christmas-Reviewer BEWARE OF FALSE REVIEWS & REVIEWERS. SOME REVIEWERS HAVE ONLY ONE REVIEW TO THEIR NAME. NOW WHEN ITS A POSITIVE REVIEW THAT TELLS ME THEY WERE INVOLVED WITH THE MOVIE. IF ITS A NEGATIVE REVIEW THEN THEY MIGHT HAVE A GRUDGE AGAINST THE FILM . NOW I HAVE REVIEWED OVER 200 HOLIDAY FILMS. I HAVE NO AGENDA. I AM HONEST Santa's Surprise is a 1947 Christmas-themed Noveltoon animated short. It was originally released by Paramount Pictures on December 5, 1947.As Santa delivers presents to Audrey and some other children, they slip into his sleigh to repay him by cleaning up his house, often with a clumsy Dutch boy's antics.This animated short is cute. Keep in mind there was no such thing as politically correct when this was made. Some images "MIGHT BE" offensive to some.
TheLittleSongbird Not one of my favourite Christmas cartoons by all means, but still well worth watching at once.The story is very slight and drags ever so slightly in places, and the portrayals of some of the children are very stereotypical. Stereotypes that understandably may not (big emphasis on that) be for the easily offended and the way they're portrayed is very "of the time" and can be seen as outdated now.However, the animation is rich and colourful, with very meticulous and beautifully drawn backgrounds and well-rendered character designs that don't look too stiff. Winston Sharples provides yet another outstanding music score, even in mediocre or worse cartoons Sharples' music was never among the flaws (if anything always one of the strengths or the best asset). Love the lusciousness of the orchestration here and how characterful and whimsical the music was without going overboard in either, even better was how well it fitted in the cartoon and how it merged with the action. The main song is very infectious too.'Santa's Surprise' while not hilarious still offers plenty of amusement, with the funniest material coming from the Dutch boy, while also telling the story with the right amounts of charm and warmth, everything feeling very sweet and heart-warming by the end. While stereotypical the children are appealing and amusing, not falling into the traps of cloying sentiment or annoyance. Look out for Little Audrey in her first cartoon. The voice acting is dependably good.All in all, stereotypical and slight but very sweet, well-made and charming. 7/10 Bethany Cox
Robert Reynolds This is a cartoon in the Little Audrey series from Famous Studios. There will be spoilers ahead:This short begins with Santa making his rounds and singing as he does so. There are scenes with children trying to sneak a peek as Santa leaves gifts. The last child shown is Little Audrey. There's a nice gag with a mouse peeking out a hole, Santa spotting him and leaving cheese in a little stocking! Santa returns home and goes right to bed and to sleep. But he had some passengers-Little Audrey and a number of other children, each to one degree or another stereotypes, though the main source of comic relief is a Dutch boy wearing wooden shoes. The kids want to do something nice fore Santa for a change, so they sneak in and clean his home.They do the basic chores involved, rather humorously and a couple of the bits are very stereotypical in nature. The kids sing their own song while working. The Dutch boy, of course, nearly gets them found out more than once, amid disasters, but they finish the job just before Santa awakens. He finds everything arranged and a present under the tree to boot. He opens it and the last gag is too cute to spoil, so I won't.This short is worth watching once.
tavm Santa's Surprise is a charming Christmas short from Parmount's Famous Studios cartoon division that features the first appearance of Little Audrey. Santa sings of bringing presents to children around the world. We see him stop at various children's houses in countries such as Russia, China, Holland, and America as represented by Little Audrey whose stocking has a hole at the bottom so when the presents fall out, they land in a wagon below! We then see Santa stop at his house in the North Pole where, since there are no elves or a Mrs. Claus, it is messed up beyond recognition. Audrey and her diversified playmates sneak in and clean it up. After they leave, Santa finds a present under his tree which has a circular music box that shows through a small screen inside, all their faces passing through...While some of the ethnic characterizations of the kids do come close to being stereotypical (the young Negro kid offers to shine shoes, the Dutch boy wears wooden clogs that are too loud), there's no real harm involved in such depictions and besides, they're all working for the greater good. So if you're looking for some Christmas cartoons that isn't Charlie Brown, the Grinch, or the Rankin/Bass Rudolph, put in a tape or DVD that has this and other public domain cartoons and marvel at the charms you'll get from something made 50 years ago!