Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny
Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny
G | 18 November 1972 (USA)
Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny Trailers

Santa Claus finds his sleigh stuck in the sand on a Florida beach only days before Christmas Eve.

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Kodie Bird True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Sam Panico If that doesn't make sense, you haven't seen this.This is the kind of film David Lynch dreams that he could make. Alejandro Jodorowsky lives in abject terror of its unholy power. You should have to wear some kind of protective brain plate when you watch this.
edrpz I saw this when I was a kid and remember it being one of the worst movies ever. Many year later, someone I knew found a copy on a VHS tape and we watched. It confirmed what I knew as a child, this is a very bad movie. Why this thing was ever made to begin with is one question left to be answered? Why it was put on video is another. ALL copies should be destroyed to save the world from this travesty.
Chris12955 Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny… AAAHHH….. This film is a delightful(if you have been lobotomized that is) piece of cinema that was made at the now defunct amusement park Pirate's World(not that you see much of it.) The movie is such an insipid piece of fluff that they had to insert another of their films into it to liven and or pad it out. Almost nothing happens, and the little that does is poorly conceived and executed.The plot is stupidly simple, Santa Claus loses his reindeer and is stranded in the worst place imaginable, Florida! He enlists the help of a bunch of local children to pull his sleigh out of the sand and eventually decides to tell them a fairy tale story. The story he tells varies depending on the version you are watching, and is the best part of the film, which is not saying much since both fairy tales are bad.This film is the second worst piece of garbage I have EVER SEEN! Insipid, inexplicable, imbecilic, and ignominious, Santa Claus and the Ice Cream Bunny deserves nothing less than the lowest rating I can possibly give it, one star on IMDb(equivalent to a negative 0 out of 4.) Avoid this toxic waste of a film at all costs!
KalosSkopeo ...but only for one reason: "Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny" (SICB) has the excuse of a small budget, no script, and some clown shoe named R. Winer, who apparently filmed this crummy kiddie flick to serve as an irrelevant wrap-around story for Barry Mahon's mind-numbing "Thumbelina" (1970).I was introduced to SICB in 1998 through a former beau, Jerry, and his brother, Mike, who worked at a video-rental store. A man who had rented it for his kids ranted to Mike at length about how awful it was and demanded a refund. Of course, Mike then had to see how bad it was for himself; and as misery loves company, he shared his experience with us.In this film, St. Nick (Jay Clark) is portrayed as a slovenly inebriate with possible incontinence issues--that's right! Check out the seat of Santa's pants when he gets out of his sleigh to help a girl hitch a sheep to it! They failed, by the way, which is not surprising considering the sleigh had a broken shaft and no harness! The Ice Cream Bunny is portrayed by an unemployable mall-Easter Bunny who brings children neither ice cream nor decorative eggs--just nightmares.The kids in this movie are portrayed by hapless, nameless victims--much like its audience. That said, like "Star Wars Holiday Special," anyone who appreciates bad taste should sit through it at least once.12/19/12 UPDATE: Just saw this with RiffTrax commentary--hilarious! For hearty laughs, I highly recommend it.