Sanjay's Super Team
Sanjay's Super Team
| 25 November 2015 (USA)

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SANJAY'S SUPER TEAM follows the daydream of a young Indian boy, bored with his father's religious meditation, who imagines "a kind of ancient, Hindu version of The Avengers," with the gods appearing like superheros.

Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
TheLittleSongbird 'Sanjay's Super Team' is not one Pixar's best short films, like 'Geri's Game', 'Presto', 'One Man Band', 'For the Birds', 'Jack-Jack Attack' and 'Knick Knack'.There is however a preference to it over 'Lava' (which from personal opinion is also a little over-hated, though for reasons that are much more understandable than to this) and 'Mater and the Ghostlight', which gets my vote as Pixar's weakest short film, if it counts. And none of those two to me are bad, just that they just lack the magic of Pixar's best efforts, which just goes to show how high in standards and regard Pixar's work is. 'Sanjay's Super Team' is also an example of a short that's superior to the feature film that follows it. 'The Good Dinosaur' is lesser Pixar, was a big disappointment after 'Inside Out' and is very problematic, mainly with the story, the unappealing character designs, some of the script and issues regarding target audience, but it does not deserve anywhere near the amount of hatred it's garnered with a lot of the reviews here indicating that it has no redeeming qualities (even with finding a fair few problems, this viewer did find a lot to admire). Just as there is a lot to admire about 'Sanjay's Super Team'. Its only real fault is the story, which feels rather too slight even for the short running time and I didn't quite emotionally connect with it in the same way that was achieved with Pixar's best. The introduction to the magical world too also felt a tad random and jarring. Even then, it's a long way from disastrous in execution because there was a lot done to make it interesting. While not perfect, 'Sanjay's Super Team' is a winner on many levels. And it is such a shame to see it get the amount of hatred it's garnered, with most not even acknowledging the good qualities. Those saying that it didn't click with them this viewer does not have an issue with, at least they said why and didn't come over as over- sensitive or ignorant. Which cannot be said for those decrying it for being too disturbing, compared to some animation seen (repeat: animation is aimed for the whole family, not just kids, so enough with the stereotype already) this is actually pretty tame, and any 'disturbing' content is much better handled than in 'The Good Dinosaur', at least it doesn't feel misplaced or gratuitous here, it's not overused and there always seemed to be a reason for why a certain idea or image was included. The 'religious propaganda' criticism seen on one of the message board threads seems pretty prejudiced and close-minded too. I am very understanding of people's opinions and have been known to get hot headed to anybody with too much of a superiority complex, but felt that somebody had to be said after something that was clearly well-intended and made with a lot of heart and passion and with no malicious intent gets this much dislike.Especially great about 'Sanjay's Super Team' is the animation, which is spectacular and bursts with colour and imagination. Sanjay is very well modelled and his expressions whether excited or reluctant genuinely resonate and makes him likable and relatable. While the mix of traditional and CGI animation, providing the contrast between the real world and exciting cartoon world, is not completely unique for this short, as Pixar's 'Day and Night' did it as well, it's more imaginatively rendered here. What is unique here for Pixar is the use of low horizon lines with wider lenses and lower camera placement, which with the character designs of the Vishnu, Hanuman and Durga made for a sight to behold. The music is whimsical and understated as well as authentically scored, in no way feeling intrusive or inappropriate. There is no dialogue present, apart from in the cartoons watched by Sanjay, and this worked, seeing as it was still clear what was happening and what was meant to be conveyed. It also allowed the atmosphere evoked by the vibrant fantasy world Sanjay enters and the comparatively tedious real world with Hindu traditions being followed to resonate, which it certainly does. Execution-wise, the story in 'Sanjay's Super Team' may not be perfect, but there was still a huge amount to appreciate about it.It (the story that is) was still warm-humoured, heart-warming, touching and felt very warm in nature, for a short film as personal as this (the most personal easily of Pixar's short films, even more so than 'La Luna', seeing as it is based on the director's own life) that is remarkable. It's never preachy and doesn't forget to entertain. The Father/Son relationship, one of the things that 'Sanjay's Super Team' is really about, is beautifully depicted, Sanjay and his situation are very easy to relate to and a lot of credit is due for introducing diversity and including non-Western culture in something mainstream, in a way that is not religious propaganda and certainly not indoctrination. Overall, not Pixar's best short film or not quite among the best but still a winner and much better than it's been given credit for. 8/10 Bethany Cox
MartinHafer Sanjay is a young Indian boy who dreams that Hindu characters become much like Power Ranger-like beings and defeat the forces of evil with his help. This short film is from Pixar...which pretty much guarantees that it will win the award as it's the only animated short from a major studio. I say this because in interviews, Oscar nominators have admitted to voting for films simply because they like giant companies like Disney or Pixar...and in recent years, inferior films from them have won while much better independent films have been snubbed. For example, last year's "The Dam Keeper" was clearly the best animated short but lost to a Disney film which was more widely seen...but also rather safe and ordinary. If I am right, this will be a really bad year for the category because Sanjay's Super Team is one of the least interesting short films I have ever seen from Pixar and is among my least favorite among the nominees. I liked that the characters were from India but inclusiveness alone cannot be allowed to overshadow that it's also a rather shallow and unappealing film. Like all Pixar films, the CGI is top-notch...the story clearly isn't. In fact, there is practically no story at all and its emotional appeal at the end just seemed contrived and formulaic. I'll return to update my review after the Oscars are given out on February 28th, but the cynical side of me thinks this short has it in the bag despite being a disappointing short.UPDATE: This film did not win, but "Bear Story" took the Oscar.
Neil Welch Sanjay wants to watch his favourite superhero show on TV rather than join his father in prayer. However, he discovers that Hindu deities are, in their own way, superheroes.I love the way Pixar give their up-and-coming staff the opportunity to generate short films (this one accompanies The Good Dinosaur), and there have been some very successful little films which have emerged as a result of that policy. Sanjay's Super team is not one of them, at least as far as I'm concerned. Perhaps this is because it is personal to creator Sanjay Patel to the extent that I could not identify with it at all. And perhaps it is because I felt it had an air of political correctness to it which I didn't care for.The story is slight, but the visuals in the action section are stunning, and the 3D is very effective.
michaeltaylormedia Went to watch The Good Dinosaur and was UNPLEASANTLY SURPRISED by this short film which was played before the movie (Sanjay's Super Team.) This short film was extremely inappropriate for young children and scared my 2 and 4 year old terribly. The demon in this short film was terrifying, I am DISGUSTED that they played this before the movie so that we were forced to watch it. I also did not appreciate the fact that Sanjay's Super Team was centered around Hindu deities. My 4 year old had many questions after the short film, of which he is too young to be asking. It is my job as a parent to teach my children about all of the religions of the world, not Pixars. I do not appreciate being forced to watch a religious film with my young children with no warning. Had I known we were going to have to sit through this short film we would've exited the theater until it was over with. There was no reason to show this short film before a movie that is aimed for young children. Truly disgusting.
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