| 16 March 2001 (USA)
Sanitarium Trailers

A generation ago, Dr Max Warick was researching a mysterious experimental drug which was scientifically proven to cure certain types of madness. But as the most deranged test subjects miraculously regained their sanity, the control patients, who were given no drugs at all, suffered horrific consequences. Because no one could find the cause of such deadly side effects, the experiments were stopped. But now twenty years later, a new set of hospital officials are about to release the drug into the marketplace. And the only man who can prevent this terror from eating away at the masses has since traded in his lab coat for a straight jacket.

Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Matttttttttttt Where do I start with this one? There is no doubt that this is one of the worst pieces of trash I have ever seen. No, I'm not saying that because I disliked it a little and I'm definitely not exaggerating. This is on my list of top 5 worst films I have ever seen. The production values are absolutely TERRIBLE on the Region 1 DVD. I had my speakers on full volume and could barely make out what was going on. It was so full of static that it made me wonder if there was something wrong with my television. The visual aspect of the film is awful as well. It looks as though it was filmed on a Viewmaster.It's hard to comment on other aspects of the movie like acting, simply because it's difficult to get past the disgraceful audio/visual quality. The storyline, however, is so convoluted and ridiculous that my head began to spin. If you can understand what's going on, or care enough to know what's going on, then you deserve a medal.I see several 10/10 rated reviews and I can't help but think we're being duped. There is absolutely NO way that this film can be rated that high. I respect others' opinions, but these people MUST be associated with the film in one way or another.It's utterly disgusting that trash like this gets released. People, such as myself, rent or buy stuff like this expecting a decent film and end up with a $20 frisbee. Stop releasing garbage like this! It's a disgrace to the horror genre and its fans. We should use films like these to torture Osama bin Laden if we ever find him.
heyteegs Everything written about this movie in the other user comments is correct. The acting is good (Jeremy Minns, Terry Aaron), bad (Kiki Kebdrick, Azucena Duran), non-existent (Uri Geller), and over the top (Jared Morgan, Harold Gasnier). The music is very good; the editing is not. The story holds interest but is never fully explained. The dubbing is poor but not really intrusive because the dialogue is so trite. So how did I get through this movie? Well, I didn't get (until they tell you at the very last minute) why the narrator was twenty years older than his on screen version. I didn't get how, at the end, the daughter was so involved when she was never before in the sanitarium. So, I watched it 2x FF. (I had to quickly relearn my Spanish to do this as there are no English subtitles.) This enabled me to enjoy it...somewhat.
Sharp1 If this film was an intentional spoof, this film may have been watchable. What i find infuriating is that it was a serious horror flick. What a joke.Of course, having a low budget will give complications and limit ones vision, but this film made no sense, the lighting was poor the sound was at a low and I have never seen such a bunch of wooden talentless actors. I'm just puzzled on how a film like this gets commissioned. The plot was weak, it seemed to be based on a computer game as issues within the film were vague and when you feel there going to get to the point, it trails off into nowhere. The camera work was sleepy, this is due to the directors lack of direction. How many wide shots would you like in a sequence. Far too many were used. i felt you are cheated out of beats because of thisTo top it off, it was dubbed. A very poor attempt. I don't find the low budget to be a valid excuse as university projects are of better quality. If I handed this into my tutor. It would be a first class fail.Uri Gellar? Get a grip.
peterjacob_196 I got this movie after reading a review on and I have to say I was plesantly suprised - a low budget horror film that actually had a brain - this is not your average teens in a wood horror film - a lot of care has gone into the construction of the story line and it really keeps you hooked to the end - there are some nice sfx and a great atomsphere and bizzarley an acting turn by Uri Geller. Further unlike most low budget films these days it was actually shot on film rather than dv so it doesn't look like someone's home movie! Well worth a look - especially if you're after something a little bit fresher and more stimulating than a masked killer slicing and dicing people. Great score also!