Salem Witch Trials
Salem Witch Trials
| 24 December 2002 (USA)
Salem Witch Trials Trailers

Salem, Massachusetts. A small town—with no clear governing body—became embroiled in a scandal that forever stands as one of the darkest chapters in American history. For those accused of witchcraft by their neighbors and friends, there was little chance of clearing their names; the mass paranoia that ravaged through the community took the lives of 19 innocent men and women.

Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
HotToastyRag In this three-hour TV special, the plot is pretty self-explanatory. It's about the Salem Witch Trials. If you're interested in that period of history, this movie is pretty good. If you haven't seen or studied America's famous witch hunts, it might be better to start with The Crucible and ease your way in. This one is pretty intense, and very long, so you might get overwhelmed.For the historians out there, this is a good representation of the hysteria of the time. With veteran actors like Alan Bates, Peter Ustinov, and Shirley MacLaine to round out the cast, it's a well-acted assault on the senses. There's lots of screaming, lots of accusations, and lots of fear. But after all, there's nothing more American than fear of "different" is there?
Armand inspired gallery of portraits . touching picture of trials who becomes reflection of a time 's perception about order, justice, respect for the other, social order. exposure of a period essence. high performances. careful manner to remind the events. tension of trials. and honest/wise image of errors, blind judgments, fears and bleak interpretation of truth. a film with status of docu-drama who reminds moral values, mentality of a period about woman rights, ethical cages and admirable science to discover the nuances of characters by actors. a game and its tragical result. a war and few women in search of justice. religion as tool for control a community. a honest film. a clear image about a historical episode.
silver_skittle This movie came with perfect timing. My senior high school play was "The Crucible" and this movie gave me some great in-depth as to my character (Mrs. Ann Putnam). To think that all this actually did happen is both sad and crazy. In response to the previous comment, children may have been expected to be "seen not heard", however the truth remains that that movie is a fairly accurate representation of history. Kirstie Alley was awesome, I loved how she portrayed her character, it made me both hate her and pity her. Kudos to the actors and directors, that is a heavy intense script and to have kept your performances strong throughout is amazing.
xotownattitudex Though there seems to be a million things happening in this movie, and a few too many family stories to follow, the acting is good..and strong. I was especially impressed by the performances given by the children in the movie.The accents weren't to hot and could have been worked on a bit, but the acting more than made up for it. I give the movie an over all 8/10.