Sailor Beware
Sailor Beware
| 08 February 1952 (USA)
Sailor Beware Trailers

Meeting in a navy recruiting line, Al Crowthers and Melvin Jones become friends. Al has tried to enlist before, but was always rejected. He keeps trying so that he can impress women. Melvin, is allergic to women's cosmetics and his doctor prescribed ocean travel, so he decided to join the navy.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
tavm This is another Martin & Lewis movie I watched on YouTube. In this one, they become sailors-Jerry because he needs a sea vacation to cure his ailments, Dean because having been rejected several times, the standards are now lowered. With this one, two previous leading ladies return-Marion Marshall, who was with Dean in That's My Boy, gets Jerry this time and Corinne Calvet, who had to compete with Diana Lynn in My Friend Irma Goes West, gets Dean to herself playing herself. Lewis is mostly funny when by himself though he and Dean have a hilarious conversation before a boxing scene. They also share a couple of funny numbers with the second one showcasing their tap dancing talents. There's also an appearance by then-big star Betty Hutton and one from upcoming star James Dean. And, since I like to mention whenever a player from my favorite movie It's a Wonderful Life appears, Mary Treen has a few amusing moments as Ms. Calvet's assistant. This was also the first time Lewis did an Asian stereotype which I didn't find funny though I did like it when he danced with those Hawaiian natives. Oh, and it's always nice to see Don Wilson outside of "The Jack Benny Program". So on that note, I highly recommend Sailor Beware.
Tom Willett (yonhope) This is not especially well written. The songs are not memorable. The cast, however, squeezes a lot out of this Martin and Lewis in the Navy situation. They both look great as young sailors. They are believable. The scenes on the submarine show how cramped it must have been on those underwater missions in the 1950s and before.Lots of sailors in many scenes. Hundreds perhaps, in a big outdoor exercise field, and again in a boxing arena.You will see James Dean in his scene. He does stand out even though he is an extra here. In a scene where Jerry walks across a busy street we see some of his "almost accident" comedy which he would bring into play years later in The Patsy.Dean giving Jerry boxing instructions is a good comedy skit to watch for. Jerry in the boxing ring shows his high energy that was his trademark in the late '40s and early '50s. Dean and Jerry dancing is a bit of a treat. Not great, but better than most non dancing movies.Worth seeing if you don't mind black and white. Good ending.Tom Willett
Chazzzzz One has to take Martin & Lewis like a dash of salt & pepper. Why does Martin put up with Lewis? Then again, why do all the women in this movie like Jerry? Because he is innocently likeable! Martin sings a few good songs (lip-sync'd at least once) and Jerry manages to kiss more girls than in all his other movies combined. I generally find that I can take just so much of Jerry's antics before they become aggravating. BUT.... in this film, watch when Jerry gets stuck outside on a submerging Navy submarine! EXCELLENT! Buster Keaton should have been proud. I give the film a 7.
yenlo Jerry and Dean serve again in the Armed Forces this time in the Navy. Jerry does his antics managing to sink a dinghy and disrupt a submarine. Dean sings a few numbers. Robert Strauss co stars as a hard boiled CPO. Look for a young Vince Edwards and Jack Benny's semi-sidekick Don Wilson. Corinne Calvet appears as herself. Betty Hutton has a quick scene as Deans girlfriend. If you look real close you'll catch a glimpse of screen cult legend James Dean.