Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster
Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster
| 30 September 2011 (USA)
Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster Trailers

After the death of his first wife, wealthy Raja Aditya Pratap Singh, re-marries another woman, simply known as Chhoti Rani, who subsequently becomes mentally unstable. His father's former mistress, Badi Rani, controls the wealth, while he himself has a mistress. Unable to procure contracts through Mantri Prabhu Tiwari, he decides to stand for elections, while his rival, Ghenda Singh, recruits an assassin, Babalu, who is also the nephew of Sunder, Chhoti Rani's chauffeur, to kill Aditya. After Sunder is unable to drive due to an injury, he recommends Babalu, and Aditya hires him. Babalu settles down in his new job, attempts to get accepted by everyone, including Chhoti Rani, who he finds attractive. He soon finds out that she, too, has feelings for him, and then starts making plans of not only carrying out his assigned task but also becoming the next Saheb.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Steineded How sad is this?
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
prianka-guru When I saw the trailers of the movie, I thought it to be a soft porn movie. But, wanted to watch it still because Jimmy Shergill is always a delight to watch, and because it was a Tigmanshu Dhulia movie. Trust me it is not a soft porn movie, all the intimate scenes are very tastefully done. Doesn't seem like they were unnecessarily added to sell the movie.Mahi Gill, Jimmy Shergill and Randeep Hooda have acted amazingly well. I would watch this movie again and again for their performances. Sanjay Chauhan and Tigmanshu Dhulia have done a great job with the script and direction. To conclude, I would say its a must watch for all above 18 years of age. Its not a family movie.Please please watch it for the performances.
ashdoc53 Looks like the ban on showing smoking in films has been lifted......And as if to compensate for the lost years when smoking was not allowed to be shown in films , the film shows everyone smoking...........Including the women too.....AAAHH the women......They form the delectable part of the film............Showing off their sensuous curves in backless blouses , deliberately standing in alluring poses , showing desire on their faces , enticing their lovers and audiences with lipstick on oh so inviting lips , making wanton love on the double bed or even on bare rocks in the hills , behaving in a free , almost shameless manner and showing passion in every move.....Leading the pack is Mahie Gill , a sultry woman waiting , waiting , just waiting for the husband who , quite unbelievably , is always the arms of his mistress !!Now why would anybody neglect a woman as seductive as that and go into the arms of another woman ??Thats because everybody , including the saheb ( husband ) , biwi ( Mahie ) has his or her's ata dhill in this crumbling mansion--the ruins of a once powerful royalty , but now fallen on hard times.....Doesn't matter--the fact that the saheb goes into the arms of another woman gives the audience the chance to see another temptress ( the mistress ) in action..........And action she gives--gives all the oohs and aahs while making love , and giving embraces with her lovely arms entwined around the saheb's neck.....But what about the biwi ??Doesn't a woman filled with tempestous desire need to fulfill her passions , her needs--needs which just cant be fulfilled by whiling the time in smoking and drinking , and waiting for the love which will never come from the erratic husband.....Enter the ghulam....or , err , gangster--in the form of Randeep Hooda--a person sent by a rival gangster to keep a watch on the saheb , waiting for a chance to bump him off............Thats because the saheb has entered the dangerous underworld of murders and contract killings in order to finance his crumbling monarchy--thereby earning a lot of dangerous enemies.....But the movie veers off course as instead of concentrating on his job , the gangster becomes ghulam of the biwi's heart.....Who cares anyway ?? We get to see more passion in action , this time between the biwi and the gulam--on bare rocks in the hills , in secret hideways in lonely hills ....naked bodies burning in desire....and happily for the audiences eyes ( and other parts as well--you naughty ) , fulfilling it....And its passion that counts.....For who cares for the murder and the mayhem that is unleashed as the rival gangster tries to bump off the saheb , the hopelessly in love ghulam hatches a plot to kill both the mistress and the saheb in order to permanently get his ladylove the biwi , and ultimately the biwi has to choose between killing the ghulam or the saheb......that stuff occurs in all films anyway.....We had our time to walk away from the theater.....its not a fantastic movie anyway.....good for a one time watch.....Verdict-- not fantastic , but decent enough.....
rangdetumpy India was once the land of Raja's and Maharaja's which subsequently went to the hand of zamindars and landlords. With time the concept of Royal families got replaced with democracy and the people with blue blood started losing their aura of supremacy. The delusional existence of false supremacy and pride still plays a strong role in the life of maharajas. Sahib Biwi aur Gangster tells the story of such a Maharaja and his neglected wife. The film begins with a non-linear narrative to introduce each of the primary characters. The Sahib (aptly cast Jimmy Shergil) is the King who is struggling to keep his royal ways alive and caught in the web of politics. His last chance to regain his long lost glory is to get the tender for the road to be built in the forest area. His opponent Gurjan Singh (commendable performance from Vipin Sharma) tried all means to kill the Sahib but all in vain. Finally he uses a local brat Babloo (decently executed by Randeep Hooda) to go inside the haveli as the chauffeur and leak information. Everything gets upset as the maharani (marvelously acting from Mahie Gill) falls for the man. And then began the Babloo's ambitious journey to climb up to replace Sahib and what happens consequently. Though Tigmanshu Dhulia's film doesn't boast a noble script but some fine performances and clever dialogues enhances the film. Dhulia made a brilliant debut with Haasil and followed by some average films. This one is better than his last film but couldn't replicate Hassil. Still he did manage to keep the audience glued with his proceedings. With uncanny resembles to Bhardwaj's Maqbool and Omakara Dhulia brilliantly created the atmosphere of the hinder land and the few existing struggling princes out there. The characters are well written and have depth. While the Sahib is caught in the time still under the halos of earlier glories the servants within the haveli still feels that they are born to serve the master till their last breath. The sahib has also the qualities of princely people of earlier days from having a link with the other woman to trying to force his views on people The Biwi is living in the edge of orthodox and modern traditions. The mental and physical loneliness transforms the character into an impulsive and fearless woman. Be it trying to save the life of her chauffeur or trying to manipulate her lover to kill the king and also make love Biwi turns out to be a strong woman character. Tigmanshu Dhulia with Sanjay Chauhan was conscious in writing department and wanted to make sure that audience don't get the feel that she is a whore. Thus there was the beautiful line when the Sahib asks him "what can I bring for you?" to which she replies "if possible bring back my nights" thus reflecting the loneliness and starvation within. Babloo who is the Gansgter in the film symbolizes the grey side of human nature which can turn into a monster with a little ignition. Apparently Babloo aka Lalit seem to be an harmless guy but with time and support from choti bahu he transforms into the monster who can do anything to get power and position. It all started with a lusty liaison with the Biwi which slowly steadily lead to a mind game of acquiring power. But somehow I felt the change was too hurried towards the final reel. Tigmanshu Dhulia has command over his direction which he proved himself in his earlier films but needs a little more polishing for better output. With able support from Sanjay Chauhan Dhulia wrote a decent script giving a twist to angle of Sahib Biwi Ghulam to that to a Gangster but somehow he lacked the subtleties needed in such script specially in the second hour.The climax seemed to be hurried one. What makes the film an engaging is the acting. Jimmy Shergill simply excels in the role of King. From his diction to expression he seem to be flawless. He is surely one of the most under rated actors of the Indian cinema. Randeep Hooda confidently plays the role of a normal local brat raising the ladder of politics. He has the charisma of speaking with his eyes. Mahie Gill is simply marvelous. From her impulsiveness to calculative mindset she seem to have master the art of a little disturbing role. After Dev D she got another brilliant character to play on screen and used every opportunity to do justice to the character. In fact she has added another feather in her crown with this act of sexually deprived Biwi who crated havoc in the live of the maharaja and subsequently the politics of the region. After Taare Zameen par Vipin Sharma gets to play an important role and he succeeds in it. In fact his timing and raw flavour adds a comic abngle to the otherwise dark narrative. Deepal Shaw is decent in a small role. Shreya Narayan looks beautiful and acts well as the other woman in Sahib's life. The other supporting caste were appropriate in their respective roles. On the whole Dhulia started of the film in right note but somehow lost the momentum in the second hour. He seem to be confused between a relation ship story and crime drama thus paving an mainstream path towards the end. But still this film is one of the better films of this year and it can boast of one of the best written characters justifying each of them. Sahib Biwi Gangster had the opportunity to travel in the 1st class compartment but missed the but towards the last moment thus boarding the 2nd class. One time watch I would say.
pravesh050 Saheb biwi aur gangster is a really entertaining movie. Mahi Gill with her sex appeal, Randeep Hooda's role as a young gangster, and Jimmy Shergil's charm as a Nawab are great. The movie is based in a village in Uttar Pradesh, where Raja families are losing their status in today's politics. The Nawab lives in a ancestral haveli with his rani. He is short on financial terms. Other powers(gangsters) are also rising in the area. Babloo(Randeep Hooda) is a young gangster. The story revolving around these characters, is an enthralling ride of love making and local politics. Acting is what makes this movie so irresistible. A must watch.