NR | 20 June 1956 (USA)
Safari Trailers

Wealthy eccentric Sir Vincent Brampton and his fiancée Linda Latham hire Ken Duffield to lead them on a jungle hunt. Duffield is looking for the murderer of his son; he gets the killer and Linda.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Kirpianuscus at the first sigh, nothing different by many adventure films from the same period. the love story, the animals, the Manichean distinction between characters, all is well known. but the difference is made by a lot of details. one - Victor Mature , who did a good job in a role who seems be perfect for him. in same measure, Janet Leigh in a fragile, delicate and powerful young woman portrait. and, sure, Mau Mau attacks, Earl Cameron giving a splendid portrait of the general. in rest - animals and lovely characters and the portrait of Africa , seductive and full of childhood references for the generations behind smartphone era.
blitzebill a typical 1950s movie about the great white man conquering Africa and ignorant of the consequences.from bullets murdering elephants to ones viciously killing a child, you better be prepared for a film that lacks any sense of propriety and realism and fairness.sure there's revenge to take care of for that murdered child, but of course there's no understanding for the "natives" either.I see people all the time on this site complaining about "dated" films. Most of these complaints are silly and unfounded.But this safari stinks, and still does.
elephant_range A real big-screen picture, but I can only imagine... Even on my ancient Beta videocassette taped circa 1983, the Technicolor treatment amazes! Yes, there is a lot of stock footage there, but what scenery! The chase scenes, including elephants, tribal Kikuyu warriors, and the entire main cast, are so well put together as to make the transitions transparent. Much of 'Safari' has the feel of a spaghetti western, but its authenticity is never in doubt. My only complaint is that of historical inaccuracy, since the Mau-Mau revolt (and characterization) is only viewed from the side of the Brits. If you can get past that issue enough to treat this purely as an action film.
mreid1949 I saw this as a kid and remember the initial mau mau attack as very frightening. Mature was adequate in the part. He was never one of my favorite actors, but the more I see of his old movies today, the more I begin to appreciate his films. Would love to see "Safari" again, especially now that I know Terence Young directed it.