Sadie's Last Days on Earth
Sadie's Last Days on Earth
| 09 December 2016 (USA)
Sadie's Last Days on Earth Trailers

Everything in high school is like the world ending and Sadie Mitchell's crippling fear of the coming apocalypse is the heightened version of that.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
lostinthought-19994 This movie is kind of like listening to a song with a lot of build up. You're like continuously waiting for the beat to drop...and then the movie ends. Solid effort though.
ptrcmcclain As a comedy this movie most definitely succeed in the comedy genre category. Comedy is one of my favorite genre and all the main actors did well in this movie i have seen worst and this is far from worst that i have seen.(Morgan Taylor Campbell) plays Sadie Mitchell a teenager who create a list of things she want to do before the world ends in 31 days. Sadie is showing many signs of paranoia with anxiety or fear. I can't fully relate to Sadie but i seen a lot of people who go through anxiety or a state of under pressure fear of dying, losing someone close or enter and leaving high school and other things. I myself always avoid and not worry so much into things like that with Sadie she's prepared and more cautious by surrounding herself with food supplies all kept storage in her bunker.Everyone look at Sadie as this insane person but one person (Jack Diaz) portray by Ricardo Hoyos Sadie's crush. It just proves everyone have different ways of dealing with their own problems in high school.Yes Sadie's parents did seem unaware or just didn't bother to care so much about their daughter having these anxiety but that's the comedy side. There were some parts that was funny and some parts for you to know to take serious. This movie is listed as comedy and i enjoyed it just for that reason.I like how Sadie kept giving out early Christmas present as apart of her anxiety of the world will end.Sadie's friend Brennan portray by (Clark Backo) want to live her life and not worry so much by getting through high school. Brennan is also the most important person to Sadie on her list.I felt like Sadie's last day on earth show a side of people like Sadie with anxiety very well. I recommend you give this a watch it's always refreshing to me to see new talent faces like Morgan Taylor Campbell.
lewisjacksonb I think that this film portrays anxiety in teenagers well and it shows how serious it can be whilst keeping the film funny and light hearted. It's a film that you'll be able to relate to if you have anxiety,but is also a fun comedic film that I think most teenagers would enjoy. Whilst the film doesn't have the best story overall I'd recommend it as definitely has its moments and explores some great themes.
Prismark10 Is the film about the last days on earth or about teenage angst?High school girl Sadie (Morgan Taylor Campbell) is convinced the world will end on December 21. She is well prepared, she has her own bunker, she has bought up all sorts of provisions and survivalist stuff from the stores.What Sadie is not doing is facing up to her day to day life of teenage anxiety but she has prepared for the impending apocalypse with a to-do list that she crosses off when she achieves her various goals which includes kissing a boy.This is a Canadian set pessimistic but eccentric comedy with some breezy actors but really does not get anywhere. I doubt even the teenage audience it wants to target could sustain their interest much.