Saddle Tramp
Saddle Tramp
NR | 21 September 1950 (USA)
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Carefree Chuck Connor is on his way west and stops off to see an old friend and his four lads. When his host is killed in a riding accident Chuck realises he must take care of the family. They hit the road and he takes a job on a ranch, but he has to keep the children hidden as his boss hates kids. There's also tension with the neighbouring ranch, and when a girl on the run from her nasty uncle joins the family unannounced Chuck wonders what he has done to deserve all this.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
kenjha A vagabond cowboy suddenly finds himself taking care of four orphaned boys. The Technicolor cinematography is pleasing and the film is entertaining enough, but is letdown by the routine script that contains a fair amount of corn. McCrea displays his usual easy-going charm in the title role. Hendrix is a runaway teenager who also ends up with the orphaned boys. Although they are not shown getting intimate, it is somewhat creepy seeing McCrea getting romantically involved with Hendrix, who was half his age at the time of the film. The good supporting cast features McIntyre as a grumpy rancher and Nolan as his understanding wife.
bkoganbing Joel McCrea, who likes life free, easy, and independent in Saddle Tramp, on an impulse visit to friend John Ridgely finds himself taking responsibility for his four boys when Ridgely is killed in an accident.That in a nutshell is the film Saddle Tramp. But it's far more than that, it's what is meant when a film is said to be family entertainment. It's one of Joel McCrea's better westerns in his post World War II period.The change of lifestyle doesn't come without problems for McCrea. Now he has to get some real work in order to take Ridgely's small ranch out of debt and put food on the table for five. During the course of the film it's six as runaway Wanda Hendrix joins the merry band as she's looking to escape from Uncle Ed Begley.McCrea also finds work for John McIntire and Jeanette Nolan and gets himself in the middle of a range war between McIntire and neighbor Antonio Moreno. Cattle is being stolen from both ranches and the two neighbors are blaming each other. The film gives you two possibilities as the brains behind the stealing.Best supporting performance is that of McIntire as the irascible ranch owner who doesn't like children and won't hire anyone with them. That fact is the reason for all the machinations McCrea has to go through.Saddle Tramp is a nice easy to take western and great for a Saturday morning viewing.
maughancannes-2 Odd little western, in which the various plot strands don't gell and the romantic sub-plot between McCrea and Hendrix - though played low-key - comes over as quite creepy. The character actors are reliable, especially the always excellent John McIntire.
cna00171 An excellent Western. Joel McCrea delivers a fine performance as is usual for this gifted actor. The story moves well, and the supporting cast does a fine job. If you haven't seen it, and love Westerns, by all means don't let this one slide by.