| 26 September 2015 (USA)
RWD Trailers

Two men went searching for ghosts, but they found themselves instead...

Wordiezett So much average
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
valzheimer I thought there's possibly a very bad reason why something filmed in 2016 would already be free to rent for so long in 2017, but I gave it a chance anyhow. I don't judge movies by the budget, I've seen very well executed low-budget films, but this one is just a waste of time, if it was that easy to make a movie we'd all do it with one laptop and a gopro pissing our day away in the woods. Yet we don't, and these two guys shouldn't have either. I'm not a stranger to found footage, and more often than not the feeling of first person will work well for me, but not this time. I felt dizzy for an hour after the movie from camera shake and half- deaf by unnecessary addon of shrieking and static noise every few minutes of this piece of work, where it ended up completely in loss of the concept and the idea and couldn't decide whether it wants to fit in the genre of horror, thriller or scifi disgracefully falling out of all three at once. Characters are like those college goofs we all know that can be very funny and interesting, if they have a merit, but these guys don't, so it goes to a high escalation to annoying and unbearable to watch within minutes. Unless you really enjoy your senses being attacked by screeching and camera turbulence for no particular reason, this movie has very little to bring to the table. Even the characters get so messed up by the lack of their own idea that they don't know how to get out of it, but you can - don't watch it and save yourself from loosing 80 minutes of your life you're never getting back.
Jesse I literally made an account on IMDb to tell people not to watch this. I watch a huge amount of low-budget horror films, and I have a particular fondness for the found-footage schtick - and this was bad, even by the already low standards expected of found-footage movies. The only scares are cheap jump scares by obnoxious sound effects.It was hard to follow, but not in a complex, 'Mullholland Drive' sort of way - more of a haphazard, college freshman desperately trying to pull together a cohesive argument in a research paper kind of way. Don't waste your time, because it will be wasted.
dukeakasmudge RWD has to be 1 of the worst found footage movies there is.It reminded me of when I took a film class in high school & our teacher said *Today we're going to learn about special effects.Everybody is going to walk around school filming whatever you like & later on, we're going add in some special effects* That's exactly what this movie felt like.It felt like it was footage shot by high school kids that made absolutely no sense & was only shot to show off special effects.If you come across this movie, I'd skip it.I almost made it to the end but with 15 minutes left to go, I just could NOT do it anymore.I felt like I was torturing myself.The only thing I can think of that almost helped me make it to the end was my love of bad movies but RWD was badder than bad, it was B- A-Double D..... BADD!!! Avoid it at all costs
jper-41387 I watch many "low budget" films and have found some true treasures in my time. Unfortunately RWD is not one of them. I found the story line to be poorly written and plot nearly impossible to enjoy. While there were a couple of humorous moments it lacked any type of suspense. I found it to be a waste of film. It saddens me that I sacrificed one hour and twenty minutes of my life to sit through such drivel. I have no issue with the skill of the actors. They both did adequately considering what a poor script they were working from. Kudos go to the producer that was able to find financial backing for such a bad film. I would be interested to see what support they could get if they actually had a good story to work with.
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