Run and Kill
Run and Kill
| 27 February 1993 (USA)
Run and Kill Trailers

A man returns home to find his wife with another man. He goes to a bar and begins to drink, waking up the next day to find that he owes a mafioso money for killing his wife.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
lee_hkfan RUN AND KILL (1993) - When returning home from work one day, Cheung (Kent Cheng) finds his wife having sex with the local grocer. In a state of shock, Cheung walks out and ends up at a sleazy bar to drown his sorrows. Having one too many, he unintentionally hires a local gangster to kill his wife. When he comes home the following day, men attack and kill his wife and her lover, leaving him in the frame for the murders. Cheung doesn't remember hiring the men but is soon reminded when they come calling for the rest of the money.Fleeing his apartment, Cheung hides out at the old family home in china, only to find his old neighbour and a group of professional killers held up there. The neighbour agrees to help Cheung with his trouble back home but proves to be a fatal mistake, leading to events that are far worse than he could imagine.Run and Kill is a bleak and gloomy CAT III classic from the 90's starring Kent Cheng as the extremely unlucky fatty Cheung who inadvertently runs into Simon Yam's psychopathic ex war veteran character, played here with his usual great charm. I did find Kent Cheng kind of annoying at first, and Danny Lee barely even has a role in the movie but still, Run and Kill deserves it's place as one of the CAT 3 classics from this period in HK cinema. Not wanting to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it but ending is worth watching the film for that scene alone, even if the dummy corpse looks more like a statue of a monkey!
trashgang Just after directing Dr. Lamb, Hin Sing 'Billy' Tang, made this action flick. I didn't like Dr. lamb but what I did like was the performance of Simon Yam who played Dr. Lamb. Here he is again as Ching Fung.Again for a CAT III flick it is low on everything. Okay, they do fight and slash and blood is sputtering around but again, scriptwise it sucked a lot for me. Again some situations looked ridiculous just like Dr. lamb. The most disturbing scene must be the one were a kid is being burned alive while the father is watching, but he ran away with the burned corpse and loses it's head, again, it looks ridiculous.I had so many expectations for a CAT III flick, sadly they weren't fulfilled.Gore 2/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
Joseph P. Ulibas Run and Kill (1993) has to be one of the most disturbing and twisted films that was ever made (and that's saying something about category III films). A police procedural film that like most of the films based in this genre was taken from a true life crime. This is tied with Billy Tang's other rough rides RED TO KILL and Dr. Lamb as one of the grimmest films of the category III films.Fatty is a happy family man's (Kent Cheung) who's life is ruined one day when he discover's his wife sleeping with one of his co-workers. Instead of being a man about it, he get's plastered and meets a bar girl (Esther Kwan). He tells her his problem and asks him if he wants to meet someone who'll take care of it. Not in the soberest of moods, he makes a deal to have his wife murdered. The next morning, Fatty wakes up in an alley with a nasty hangover. Staggering home, he sees his wife and lover being murdered in their bed. The murderers want their money. But he can't pay them, so they burn down his business and threaten his family.Desperate to rectify his current situation, he calls on his mainland friend for help. He finds out that the murderers are Vietnamese refugees and their camp is located in the outskirts of the New Territories. Fatty and his mainland friends storm the camp and demand to speak to the leader. The kid asks them to forget the debt. They reply by killing the kid's friends and torturing him. The refugees turn him into a living tap and one of the goons drinks his blood. Outside the camp, the kid's crazy brother Fung (Simon Yam) and his crew raid the camp and slaughter everyone. He rescues his brother, Fatty and the bar girl. But Fung sees the condition that his young sibling is in and vows to make Fatty's life a living hell if he dies. During the escape, the kid brother dies. Enraged, Fung promises to keep his word.With nowhere to turn to, Fatty turns to Inspector Lee (Danny Lee) for help. Fung is in Hong Kong and on the prowl. It doesn't take him long to find Fatty's mother's house. Inside is his daughter and mother. Fung without hesitation tosses Fatty's mother out the window and takes Fatty and his daughter as hostages. Hours later, Fung, Fatty and the little girl are inside a warehouse. Fung has tied up the girl and douses her in gasoline. Fatty has a front row seat. No longer having a sane thought in his head, Fung turns the little girl into a bonfire. After the fire dies out, he grabs the girl's corpse and mimics her voice. Fung places the burnt husk in front of Fatty who also loses his mind.Fung's crew is becoming tired of his psychotic behavior. The boss Melvin (Melvin Wong) tries to put him in his place. Too late for that, Fung in a state of rage kills his fellow gang members and wants to make Fatty suffer even more. He calls him out and Fatty answers. The two psychos begin to have the best one-on-one fight scene I have ever witnessed. Fatty and Fung beat, burn and bust each other senseless. Fatty blows up, shoots and stabs Fung several times until he doesn't move anymore. The police finally arrive, the bar girl tries to comfort Fatty but he's left in a gibbering catatonic state. Inspector Lee looks at the mess. Just another case for the files.Highly recommended.
Ross You go into cat 3 films with certain expectations. You shouldn't really expect a decent storyline or any great characterisation. Basically, if you've taken the time to find one of these films, you want gore and cheesy fun! In short bursts, run and kill delivers this. Though it try's to hard to be a real film and really just ends up embarrassing itself. The story is just about Fatty (Kent Cheng) Getting drunk and accidentally recruiting somebody to have his wife killed. (she gets caught having sex with another man). As you can imagine, things go to plan. Cue lots of running around and pointless, boring scenes of woodenly acted mush of Fatty trying to hide from the mean gangsters that killed his family. The film really isn't gory enough like the untold story. I don't know about you, but I go into a cat 3 movies hoping to be grossed out and shocked. This failed miserably. Their isn't any humour either. Such as any Anthony Wong flick. It can't even be passed off as a straight up exercise in nihilism. As the actor who plays Fatty just isn't a good enough actor and isn't really able to convey strong emotions. To conclude I have to say that cat 3 films simply shouldn't try and do story and character as this just isn't what they are know for. If you want fun, gore and a generally entertaining movie just go and see Ebola Syndrome or even Dr Lamb.