Rumors of Wars
Rumors of Wars
PG-13 | 02 May 2014 (USA)
Rumors of Wars Trailers

A suspenseful, genre-bending film with two converging storylines. An aspiring college journalist records events in a diary about the turmoil of a society due to the insertion of a RFID chip mandated by the government. ? Years later in the rubble of a post apocalyptic society filled with decay and violence, the diary finds its way into to the hands of an officer in the New World Army who uncovers the truth about the past and discovers everything he stood for was a lie. But what will he do now?

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Seekz A lot of negative write-ups. Why? I don't know. It is beyond me to understand how a post-breakdown movie could not have some kind of Biblical reference. The "haters gonna hate" to the naysayers. The movie was good. Nothing new in its story line, but it was well done. Actors were fine. I was particularly taken by the treatment of the police/military. Seemed a little over the top, but I can see how life in such a future could possibly be as portrayed. Parts of the movie reminded me of Aleppo or Beirut (long ago). Certainly not as dark as 'Children of Men.' As with many other future-doom movies, government oppression rules the day.
Randomness90s If you're sick of the Left Behind movie series or cheesy Christian movies that are inaccurate Biblically or the annoying pre- tribulation vs post-trib rapture grand debate, then WATCH THIS MOVIE PLEASE! This is by FAR the MOST accurate for biblical prophecy and REALISTIC portrayal of the effects of war and future technology. I like that this movie ignores and skips the whole pre-tribulation rapture perspective that is repeated OVER and OVER in most Christian movies unfortunately. The entire movie does refer to prophecy scriptures that become evident and fulfilled as the movie unfolds. The direction of the plot was clever and had an intelligent sequence twist. Very well done! I won't spoil it. The main lead actors were convincing. I liked Ben Davies, Jennifer Cooper, Michael Ulmer, Lee Garrett and a few others. Unfortunately Eric Roberts is NOT a believable antichrist villain in this movie to be honest. This movie shows very realistic situations. For example, the government can track people within minutes and in times of government resistance there will always be groups of "rebels" with weapons when they see their rights are stripped and forced away by the government. Regardless of your spiritual background, you can imagine this would really happen when watching this movie. Please consider watching this movie even if you don't consider yourself a Christian or a believer of anything.If you feel that you're secure in what you believe then watching this movie shouldn't make you hostile or angry. Hopefully it will make you think and touch your heart. Ignore the reviews that are overly harsh and bash this movie out of anger. Only the militant anti-religious do that because in this movie it paints a picture that you actually become a SLAVE to the World System, EVEN when one thinks they're free by not ascribing to a religion or a spiritual identity. It struck the EGO to those who feel superior to others when they boast about not having a religion or spiritual background.Note: The first Left Behind was okay. My comment was referring to movies after that. Agape and respect to Kirk Cameron.
Conrad Rutkowski If you are a follower of biblical prophecy you will appreciate this film. Quality of the film and acting are not important as the message laid out is of eternal consequence. It lays out a possible transitory period before the final world war and the installment of a world government. There is nothing new under the sun. Unfortunately we as humans do not learn from our mistakes. Hollywood, that is run by sodomites and pedophiles, will not bring you this information. Those in power that literally worship a group of inter-dimensional beings that they channel regularly are ready to make this movie a reality. Be prepared. Get right with Jesus.
guspm Started watching because it sounded interesting. Go watch 'Equilibrium' and replace sense offense with Christian cautionary tale.I was okay with the low budget, but a half hour in there were too many scenes similar to equilibrium for me to not see that this was a ripoff unless it was directed by Kurt Wimmer, and it wasn't.The concept could have been cool but there is to much crossover to not consider this plagiarism, and I am talking about scene settings and lines, not conceptA little more creativity would have gone a long way. Not sure if they will face litigation