Rude Awakening
Rude Awakening
R | 16 August 1989 (USA)
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In the later 1960s, two hippies are forced to leave their friends as they are wanted by the FBI, who sees them as criminals. They hide in the jungle for 20 years, secluded from the outside world. In the later 1980s, the find out that a secret war is about to start in the US, and decide to return to New York to tell someone about it.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
wes-connors In 1969, peace loving hippies Eric Roberts (as Fred) and Cheech Marin (as Hesus) flee to Central America, to avoid being drafted into Vietnam War service. Why the US government believes Mr. Marin would be of any real use during warfare is never explained; but, Mr. Roberts looks like a major Commie-killing loss. Anyway, they spend the next 20 years hiding in the jungle, smoking marijuana, and enjoying peace. Their hippie friends, Julie Hagerty (as Petra) and Robert Carradine (as Sammy), remain behind. While in Central America, Roberts and Marin learn about a US invasion plan, and decide to return to New York, and stop the war. They are in for a rude awakening...In 1989, the peace movement appears dead. Roberts and Marin try to adapt to the changes in American society. They try to re-connect with Ms. Hagerty and Mr. Carradine, who have become materialistic yuppies. How can they erase their friends' 1980s brainwashing, avoid capture by perseverating FBI man Cliff De Young (as Brubaker), and stop the war?Aaron Russo and Neil Levy's underrated "Rude Awakening" certainly doesn't always work; but, it's funny more often than not. Roberts and Marin are almost a satirical casting in-joke (sixties, meet the eighties). One of the film's most obvious misses is that the main attempt to transcend a 20-year-gap is an unconvincing pair of pasted-on beards. Although, to answer Roberts' later, more general question, "How's my hair?" Great. It's impossible to hold back laughing at Marin's first meeting with the "fish". But, they should have used Don Knotts voice. Of the four "hippie" friends, Carradine's is, performance-wise, most convincing. Check out Louise Lasser (as Ronnie)'s customers! The highlight of the film is a terrific "cocktail party" hosted by Carradine and uptight wife Cindy Williams (as June). They are visited by the "Stools", Buck Henry (as Lloyd) and Andrea Martin (as April). A cocktail party attended by Cheech Marin, Eric Roberts, Robert Carradine, Buck Henry, Cindy Williams, and Andrea Martin is every bit as funny as it sounds. If only they could have figured out how to get Lasser there (and the overhead mike out). There are enough funny moments, all around; but, the hilarious supporting characterizations by Martin and Williams, alone, make this well worth watching.****** Rude Awakening (1989) Aaron Russo ~ Eric Roberts, Cheech Marin, Andrea Martin
p1tom This is the only movie I ever got up and walked out on in a theater. I remember staring at the ceiling because it was more interesting then this horrible so-called movie. Just awful! The is the movie I judge all other bad movies against. The story was terrible. Very boring. The acting was terrible. I was a fan of Cheech and he is why I decided to see this movie. I also recalled that Cindy Williams was in this movie and that is how I found it on IMDb. I couldn't remember the name it was so bad I didn't want to remember I wasted money back in 1989. Obviously not many people have seen this moving since the vote counts are so low. Lucky them!
DeadlyWit-2 The lame gags and jokes fall flat, the actors practically phone in their lines, and the long and frequent preaching about the evils of corporations and conservatives really gets annoying. If you want to be lectured about the ozone hole, AIDS, the burning Cuyahoga River, the homeless, and the virtues of loopy 1960s-style pothead activism, then this is the movie for you. But if you want laugh-out-loud humor, then rent something else.
thehumanduvet Classic tale of two stoners dropping out to have a good time in the jungle for twenty years and then coming back to find the whole world has been taken over by a terrible sickness known as the eighties - yup, they all wear stupid clothes and talk and do a load of rubbish, while the real men from the sixties have all kiinds of trouble fitting in and showing people the value of slobbing around, caning it and having fun without dressing up like Rebecca DeMornay in Weird Science. This film carries a very important message for us all about avoiding eighties style and values, but, like the other guy said, don't watch it in a serious mood, this is a hilarious comedy classic NOT a horror flick, after all.