Royal Deceit
Royal Deceit
R | 10 August 1994 (USA)
Royal Deceit Trailers

A Danish prince seeks revenge upon the villain who killed the king and his son to usurp the throne.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
NBborn Before I watched this movie I quickly checked the user reviews, as I usually do, and was excited to see that it came from the source material for Hamlet. So I settled down with the dog and the popcorn. Half-way through I paused the movie and came back here to see if I could find out what the people who posted positive reviews were drinking or smoking because the movie I was watching was awful. From what I can tell it really, really, really, REALLY matters which version you are seeing. If it is not a very long movie, run away. Run. Very. Far. Away. The short version is a hacked up mess that makes no sense and the actors (except Byrne and Mirren and sometimes Bale) look wooden. And the 'crowd' scenes. Oh dear. (By the way this review would have been a lot shorter except for this odd length rule. Hope you weren't bored.)
Alex Heaton (azanti0029) I saw this film recently, re-released under the title Thrones and Empires, no doubt to try and cash on the Game Of Thrones fan base.Well Game of Thrones it ain't. Its even not a good version of Hamlet. All the more shame its made by a Danish production company, the production values, acting, script and delivery have to be seen to be believed.What amazes me is how on earth they got such an amazing cast to sign on to this terrible piece of crap. Helen Mirren actually gets her boobs out again and I thought she was past doing all that by this stage. There are needless shots of female nudity thrown in, why I have no idea.Christian Bale is probably really glad no one has seen this. The finale is the big fight battle, filled with so many unintentional moments and just god awful staging along with needless smoke everywhere. The whole thing is truly dire. Avoid at all costs!
diegofeduchi I first watched this film a late Friday night. Spanish version of BBC2 used to show some good films on their original version between 1 and 3 am (still wonder why).The fact is I watched this film. It is meant to be the real Hamlet, based in Denmark (Jutland). I have the feeling it is a great portrait of its era, the clothes, the huts, the little hamlet in which they live are what you would expect.Being mainly a British film, the actors are great. Gabriel Byrne then became one of my favourite actors, something he confirmed in 'The Usual Suspects' Of course if you know Hamlet you'll know the story, but if you have to read Hamlet for a school project, this will not fully help you. The plot is slightly different and so is the end.Watch it. It may surprise you as it did me.
André-7 If you have seen Babette's Feast and can appreciate the difference between a more European, understated style of film making and the slam-bang, in-your-face style the Yanks dish out year in and year out... Then this may be a movie for you.Here is a small film by a director working in a language that is not his own. An experiment in story telling that succeeds on its own terms. Here is a film that is scored by one of the more highly rated, avant-guard classical composers in Europe. It re-tells a well beloved story by going at it by the roots in order to give it a fresh spin. The wonderful cast of British (and Irish) stars can be applauded for endorsing what must have been a modestly budgeted film.Of course it is not Shakespeare. But it sheds new light on the Hamlet play by exploring the legend that inspired the bard to choose it as story material. For fans of history and drama.