| 07 July 2007 (USA)
Rockaway Trailers

Trane is a decorated war hero just shipped home to the States from Afghanistan after the brutal murder of his wife and child back in Rockaway, Queens. Upon his return, Trane encounters his old friend Dave, who describes the new forces of crime and prostitution that have moved into their neighborhood and caused the destruction of his family.

SoftInloveRox Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
jcwjcw People do not understand cinema. I see the movie The Fighter with top stars and sure it gets Oscars or The Godfather oh ya great movie. This movie here the main actor is just a normal man. And, yes, he acts normal and looks normal. But the power that can come from a normal man explodes in this movie. The people who rated this movie low or complained about it are people with a low IQ. They probably don't like it cuz they like crime, like the Godfather. The godfather is trash. This little dude in this movie mostly uses intelligence to take down the mob and its godfather. I cannot stand the movie the godfather because America is praising crime and gangsters. This movie shows how one mans determination to stop a gang of thugs is expelled mostly with intelligence training determination and more. I cannot stand the Oscar and academy award panel- they do not know how to judge films. Where do the academy award panel judges get educated? Or are they rich people using money to make mistakes?
alr126 I can't believe I watched the whole thing. Characterization-stiff, standard veteran returns home, family murdered, standard very clichéd villains. Have seen similar characters in the bottom of a box of cereal. Action sequences-standard. No big action explosions, etc. Although that isn't really needed int his film. Friend of the good guy-standard, stiff, shallow character. Not like old days man, etc. I would have to say that this film is worth a miss. Even the lead character was somewhat unbelievable, he is hurt by the villains, does what is not expected. Don't want to say to much so as not to put any spoilers. I simply cannot believe I wasted an hour and a half.
cuevasf71 Rockaway straight to video was GREAT! Nicholas Gonzalez is Trane a battle proved war veteran from a tough tour in Afghanistan back home in Queens the neighborhood that took out his family becomes his center of rage. He becomes hell bent on taking out anyone involved in crime. Crook brothers turn it up with no slow boring parts. Oleg Taktarov sets things off as a "redfella" leading a Russian crime family. The action looked good as any movie. I could be talking crazy but Nicholas Gonzalez was way more better than hot shot actor from Harsh Times.What it came down to me was how real the Crooks brothers kept it. They showed what Queens hard living is. Rent it or buy it you cant lose people.
CI_riv I loved this movie! Having been a telenovela fan for a few years, it was certainly a treat to see Mario Cimarro (Juju) speaking English, not to mention his knack for delivery! His was the best character.Overall, however, this movie was pretty decent.Trane's ability to come back from Afghanistan, knowing his family were gone, and then his systematic picking off of those responsible for ruining his neighborhood and, finally, his family's murderer was exceptional.Oleg Taktarov's performance was also quite well-done. One almost feels sorry for him.Manny Perez' Antwan was hilarious! Also, being a fan of splatter movies, this one did not disappoint.