| 02 September 2011 (USA)
Robotropolis Trailers

A group of reporters are covering the unveiling of a new facility that is completely maintained by robot prototypes. When one of the robots goes haywire, the reporters find themselves not just reporting on the malfunction, but fighting for their lives.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
fireblazer666 No movie more deserves a one star rating than this.Bad acting. Boring plot. Emotionless, unbelievable garbage. Nothing interesting happens in this movie... and whoever wrote the dialogue shouldn't be allowed the privilege again... let alone be paid for it...I LOVE Science Fiction!! I Love robots. I even love shitty B movies!! But this was just... bad... I cringed frequently at how awful it was... physically cringed!! The CGI is actually acceptable in this. It's pretty okay. Not good, but okay... but the rest of the movie was just... awful...I only watched it to the end because... well... I was doing other things online anyway. There are times when I'm ALMOST MILDLY ENTERTAINED... almost... but then something makes me cringe at how stupid it is... and how unbelievable the acting is...ALSO... recently there was that Sandyhook Newtown shooting (after this movie came out)... and all through out this movie it's talking about New Town... and at one point they're even hiding in a room IN A SCHOOL while people are beings shot and killed by the robots... there was even a little girl they tried to save... and children that got killed... horrible coincidence... but wow... the whole time this felt like a parody of that school shooting :\
Andy Ronin I enjoyed this, and as a sci-fi fan, you probably will too. It's a pretty good story of a (not too distant) future society where robots are introduced into daily life, and then things go wrong. Not original, but interesting enough. After reading some of the other reviews I just want to defend the acting in this movie, there will be no Oscar nominees here, but it's adequate. I think lead actress Zoe Naylor did a good job of depicting the somewhat heartless sideline stance of modern journalism. The critics who say she shows no emotion should notice this is only true when she is 'on camera' in her reporter role. The big stinker however is the guy who plays her producer, Edward Foy. By far the worst acting job I've come across in 2012! Some things in the movie didn't make much sense (like where does the flashlight come from in the tunnel scene?), others could have done with a little more explaining (the how and why of the sabotage by one of the robot developers) and the ending is kind of sudden. Also, the intro scene doesn't fit in the storyline, as we (at least the careful listeners) are made to believe all the robots get shut down when the screen goes black at the end. All in all, it was still a good waste of time.
peter-883-37792 Common guys. This is definitely not Oscar material I agree but I have seen far, far worse shows. The CGI on the robots was very good, Zoe Naylor did a perfectly adequate job that bordered on good at times and Peer Metz was enjoyable and believable. Edward Foy was annoying. I couldn't decide if i wanted him to survive or have his head squashed. I agree that the scene at the football field was incredibly bad. In itself it may qualify for one of the worst scenes I have ever seen but that was only one scene. Yes, the fade to dark ending was,at worst,annoying but I did hear the robots power down; I guess because I wasn't frantically making notes on how I was going to slam the movie. I quite enjoyed the show, a bit corny but certainly watchable. If you want really bad try my all time favourite bad movie "Chawz".
Callam_10 "contains spoilers" The acting is the worst i have ever seen, Zoe Naylor is by far the worst, she needs to give up acting all together!!!. She shows no emotion when the guy on the football field gets shot. Also the footballers are terrible actors they just walk away, surely you would go see if he's alive, right?The script is terrible, when the footballer gets shot, Zoe's character stands there and says stuff like "someone has just been shot". I was watching it thinking THANK YOU CAPTAIN OBVIOUS -.-The scenery in this movie is great, i really enjoyed it. The robots are OK, they could have added a bit more animation to them though. The explosion effects are OKThis film is very boring at the beginning but about 35 minutes through it starts to pick up. Still i would not recommend the movie.
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