RoboCop: Prime Directives
RoboCop: Prime Directives
R | 04 January 2001 (USA)
RoboCop: Prime Directives Trailers

Thirteen years after the original Robocop, Delta City, considered to be "The Safest Place On Earth!", has become a futuristic city owned and operated by OCP, and RoboCop, Alex Murphy has begun to feel his age. Murphy finds himself nearly obsolete, and must deal with the fact that his now-grown son James is an OCP executive, unaware that his father is still alive. Also, Murphy's former partner, John Cable, has returned to Delta City as its new Security Commander. But slowly, new enemies arise, and Murphy and Cable begin an investigation into a mysterious villain known as the Bone Machine, unaware that they are coming dangerously close to exposing an evil group of OCP executives known as The Trust... which James Murphy is a part of. Desperate to prevent their sinister plans from being revealed, The Trust programs Murphy to kill John Cable...

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
terkel-2 This is apparently made as a series of movies. It does NOT work at all! Wrong Robo, for one thing. Page Fletcher acts nice as Murphy, but as Robo he'll be laughed at by street-dancers, me and the ORIGINAL Robo, Peter Weller. He moves as a 9-year-old, trying to act as a robot. As you may have guessed, I'm NOT impressed. I'm NOT a gore-violence-kill-freak, but this were some 90 minutes of my life, I'd like to get back. So boring, and long-winded - but there's apparently 3 more after this. I'm not watching!Robo 1 & 2 with Peter Weller were fantastic. First time I saw Robocop,I was shocked! Really! I'd never seen a more violent, graphic disgusting movie. And I've seen a lot of horror flicks *LOL* Years later, I found out it was meant to be sarcastic - and 1 & 2 were.Avoid this sh*t if you can.
schzistvan I think, unlike some people that this TV series is good in its category: low budget TV film with more or less unknown actors and actresses, who are not absolutely bad here. for example page fletcher is surprisingly good especially in those few scenes, where Murphy's previous life is shown, before being killed. the action sequences are correct, I like in them the simplicity: no overemphasized visuality, just shooting, chasing etc. The only problem with the story, that I could have missed the saint-mad scientist elements. Having the other conflicts ( two robocops against each other, the family drama between alex and jimmy murphy, a wanted robocop, etc) would have been enough. and the very very few visual effects were unnecessary: they made people notice the cheapness of the film. that's all what I think...
skeeziks8888 I actually worked on this abortion for most of 1999. I can't say there is any aspect of it I am particularly proud of, it was like a bad dream. The only redeeming factor is my cheques didn't bounce!Has this Epic Masterpiece actually made it onto DVD? Usually the Space Channel or CITY-TV (co-funders) play it in the wee hours of the morning. I may look around for it in the remainder bins or second-hand stores and re-gift it next Christmas to a company person I especially despise.My condolences go out to the beleaguered editing team (Chuck Kahn, I love you buddy!) and those poor underpaid folks at the post-house Stargate Studios (no relation to the SF series)in Toronto who had to put up with the director (anyone with really long hair who wears a full length black leather jacket and white running shoes has a fashion problem, ya know?)fuming at them and making endless changes for no $... get the picture, typical bottom-feeder stuff.The music score is mariachi music. It's ridiculous and rings completely false, like John Cable's moustache which looks like it might fall off and be inhaled at any moment.Oh yes, about the SPOILER: it could be called Brokeback Robo in a way, the two RoboClutzes shamble off into the good night. We all should do the same and avoid, AVOID, A-V-O-I-D this bland uninspired dreck."Brought to you by fans of the original" indeed. Meh.
vyruss "Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?"Apart from that, this was a bit disappointing, too cheesy, too TV-ish for my taste. But I guess that these people had to work on a very very tight budget, so I'll cut them some slack. Obviously there were fans of the original 2 movies involved, so I'll give them credit for that as well.I do believe, though, that this would have worked much better as a 2-hour movie, with better casting & visuals instead of standardised TV series fare.
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