Roadhouse 66
Roadhouse 66
| 31 August 1984 (USA)
Roadhouse 66 Trailers

Beckman driving a '55 Thunderbird on Route 66 hooks up with Johnny after hoodlum Hoot and his gang shoot his car. Continuous conflicts between Hoot and Beckman make Beckman and Johnny determant to teach him a lesson.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
mxvigil This is the sort of movie that makes you wonder how the producers were able to get the money to make it...As well, how is Defoe portrayed as a tough-guy? Sure there are some guys who are sinewy and able to handle themselves in a bar-fight. Defoe has never been believable in that role.Horrible movie, like it was made by rank amateurs over a weekend and no script. Most movies have at least a scene or two worth the time of watching them. This travesty does not even meet that weak criteria. There is a reason Judge Reinhold never became a lead actor, far too weak and ineffectual, you keep waiting for someone to cue the laugh track.
Wizard-8 When "Roadhouse 66" first appeared on cable in Canada almost twenty-five years ago, I sat down to watch it, though about halfway through I quit watching it. I didn't remember why, however, so with it now available on DVD I decided to rent it and give it another try.I did make it all the way through this time... but barely. It didn't take me long to figure out why I stopped watching it the first time. This is one BORING movie. Although it runs about an hour and a half, there is only about thirty minutes or so of plot. The rest of the time, nothing of consequence happens.To make matters worse were the characters. Reinhold's character is the worst. His character is incredibly stupid, and you'll eventually relish the scenes where he gets over his head and into serious trouble. The bad guys are really mean-spirited for a movie that tries to be somewhat light-hearted the rest of the time.Oh, and the climatic race sequence? It was one of the most boring car races I have ever seen. For one thing, the cars for the most part seem to be going half speed instead of full-out.Maybe I'll give the movie another chance twenty-five years from now...
Rick Blaine Lemme see if I done got this right:Hayseed peoples they be peoples too and most of your cinema pickings they's for city folks with pretensions and academic duh-grees and walking around using fancy French words and stuff like that.But a good old boy likes a good barroom brawl now and then and some cute dixie chicks - and you should have more skin than Daisy used to show on prime time - and oh but we gotta have a great big old car race with clumsy looking backwoods Chevy 56s and 57s and they gotta rev their engines like they got no mufflers no more.And we gotta have some good old country picking through this here race and - intermittently as they say - throughout the movie.But here's the trick: you don't almost have to pay nobody any good money to do no good cos them hayseeds what like movies like this they don't know much about no film making anyways, and as long as ya got the obligatory nudie bonk with female nipple and round female breast in subdued light and stuff and someone playing who's ostensibly studying James Burton on guitar, then that's real fine Slim - they'll never notice the difference! No way!And the money keeps on coming in... And who said money doesn't make the world go 'round?PS. For the best laugh of all, waiting until the closing titles - listen to the music! The people who made this movie - who are these people? Oh goodness.
helfeleather Not much of a plot to interest anyone here, but some very sexy men in blue denim. Willem Dafoe, to my surprise, was once very spunky, and looks great as the tough guy muso hero. Better still, the bad guys, Hoot and Dink are a couple of real nasty pieces. The film had me longing to find that roadhouse and go and start a brawl, just to meet those hot men.