Ring of Darkness
Ring of Darkness
| 28 February 2004 (USA)
Ring of Darkness Trailers

When the singer of a popular rock band disappears under mysterious circumstances, a contest to find a replacement soon turns from dream-come-true to waking nightmare for the young singer who hopes to take the job.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
nascardawn20 Are you serious?? I cannot believe someone actually wasted their time and money to make this stupid movie. I'm sorry, But this truly is the dumbest, lamest, worst acting movie I have ever seen in my life. I feel even dumber having wasted my own time watching it. I couldn't and wouldn't even suggest this film to my worst enemy. The only thing that kept me sitting thru it was the cute guys trying to act. Awwwww, they were sooo darn cute! Seeing them shirtless and dancing is the only thing that made this movie even the slightest bit tolerable. I promise you, you would not like this film. They're telling me that my comment must be at least 10 lines to post,,, that's not entirely fair when the movie is'nt even worth 10 lines!
mcmcgrady For all the talk about Brokeback Mountain being so "daring" due to it's homosexual content, this movie definitely kicks its ass as far as being flamingly homosexual. Even the heterosexual people are gay. Even the "scary" zombie scenes have the same boy band music playing, and they pose while killing people. Calling it a "zombie" movie is like calling "Pay It Forward" a knife-fighting movie. This essentially is just a lot of very defined cheekbones from different angles. Zombie cheekbones. This is the movie they make old music teachers watch in HELL. Key scenes to look for are the "bad contestant getting eaten," which is a guy getting hugged to death in a parking lot, and "guy following band through the fog," which is a guy following the band through some fog. Lots of fog. Like the budget for stuff like, writers and everything required to make it a real movie was spent on fog. LOTS of fog. And cheekbones. This movie sucks more than Haley Joel Osment does at knife-fighting.
strandedxdethgrl Hot Guys!!! Hot Scenes!! Hot Guys!! Good Story!! Hot Guys!! Good Acting!! Hot Guys!! I F'ing Loved This Movie!! Hot Guys!!! Hot Scenes!! Hot Guys!! Good Story!! Hot Guys!! Good Acting!! Hot Guys!! I F'ing Loved This Movie!! Hot Guys!!! Hot Scenes!! Hot Guys!! Good Story!! Hot Guys!! Good Acting!! Hot Guys!! I F'ing Loved This Movie!! Hot Guys!!! Hot Scenes!! Hot Guys!! Good Story!! Hot Guys!! Good Acting!! Hot Guys!! I F'ing Loved This Movie!! Hot Guys!!! Hot Scenes!! Hot Guys!! Good Story!! Hot Guys!! Good Acting!! Hot Guys!! I F'ing Loved This Movie!! Hot Guys!!! Hot Scenes!! Hot Guys!! Good Story!! Hot Guys!! Good Acting!! Hot Guys!! I F'ing Loved This Movie!!
small1022 my not so straight roommate put this movie on tonight... if you plan on watching it... 2 words... Jim Beam yes it really is that bad.i never felt more gay in my life..my roommates girlfriend commented "it makes me feel gay watching this" wow...what a horrible movie i would recommend the great movie Phantoms over this one and thats saying a lot.Plot Summary: When a boy bands lead singer mysteriously diappears the media says that he ran away because he could not handle the fame... (more) (view trailer) User Comments: Another homoerotic horror film from David DeCoteau (more)