| 03 January 1936 (USA)
Riffraff Trailers

Fisherman Dutch marries cannery worker Hattie. After he is kicked out of his union and fired from his job he leaves Hattie who steals money for him and goes to jail. He gets a new job, foils a plot to dynamite the ship, and promises to wait for Hattie.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
classicsoncall This film has all the pacing and dialog of a screwball comedy, but it's emphasis is on drama and the fiery up and down relationship between it's principals. Personally, I couldn't wrap my head around the chemistry between Dutch Muller (Spencer Tracy) and his fiancé/wife Hattie (Jean Harlow), though obviously stranger pairings have occurred both in movies and real life. But just to quickly make my point, take note of the Fourth of July party on the Fairy Queen - Dutch gets miffed at Hattie and shoves her away with a hand in her face, while she spits on him in response. Boy, talk about a budding romance.The story involves Dutch Miller's ambition to rise to the top of the local fisherman's union to thwart cannery owner Nick Lewis (Joseph Calleia) from taking advantage of his position against the tuna men. There's an interesting sequence showing the operation of a cannery assembly line, though I was amazed to see one of the female workers packing a can of tuna by hand! That didn't seem very probable to me but with just a quick glimpse there's no way to tell how normal that was. Other aspects of the assembly line required no hands-on involvement.As one of those cannery workers, Hattie must have left work each day smelling like fish, thereby adding some resonance to Dutch's remark while dancing closely next to her - "That's swell stink-up you got in your hair". It was meant as a compliment obviously, though I'd be wary of using one like that today. If you try it though, get back to me and let me know how it went over.The thing that really blew me away in the story was Hattie getting sent up to Sorena Valley Prison for ripping off her boss at the cannery. Geez, how much could she have stolen to get sent to the slammer? Then, when the picture segues to her prison life, she's in her jail cell with a baby! Come on, when was that ever the case? Okay, the film makers were going for a little pathos here, but that was just too in-your-face. But I guess it served it's purpose to bring Dutch back down to Earth from his high-hat ambition as a union boss.The picture is peppered with it's share of colorful characters with names like Flytrap (Victor Kilian), Ratsy (Arthur Housman), Brains McCall (J. Farrell MacDonald), and Hattie's Dad Pops (Roger Imhoff). However the one to really keep your eye on and ear tuned into was the sleazy cannery owner Nick, who's dialog always kept you guessing. Case in point, one of his conversations with attorney Markis (George Givot) commenting on everything that's happened in the story - "What is past is gone out and over done". It sounded like something Stan Laurel would say.
st-shot Jean Harlow and Spencer Tracy find love on the waterfront in this MGM production that has a Warner's look and feel. With its hardboiled and run down backdrop it also addresses contemporary issues of labor unrest, Red union infiltration as well as managing to sneak some risqué moments by the censor.Dutch Muller (Tracy) is the best fisherman on the dock and he knows it. A bit of a charmer he has no problem with the ladies as well. Cannery worker Hattie (Harlow) has her sights on him but the pugnacious and confident Dutch isn't about to get tied down and the exchanges between the two are usually filled with invective. They weather and eventually wear each other down before getting hitched. When labor problems arise Dutch's arrogance and pride get's the best of him and he finds himself living in aq track side hobo camp. Faithful Hattie attempts to right him but instead ends up being sentenced to a long stretch at a women's prison. Dutch in turn vows to spring her.Tracy and Harlow display a nice down to earth terse chemistry driven by pride and desire. Muller's thickheadedness seems impervious to penetrate but the resourceful Hattie's drive is not to be denied and while there is perhaps an overabundance of shouting between the two the tenderness comes across as natural and genuine. A trio of scene stealers Una Merkle, Joseph Calleia and Mickey Rooney doing a waterfront Puck also add to the story's humor and rhythm.Riffraff does get a little improbable during its climax but Tracy and Harlow's dogged persistence and interplay give it an irascible verve.
calvinnme ...but I guess the title "Riffraff" would do as well as anything else MGM could have come up with - but it's not very descriptive. Hattie (Jean Harlow) is a cannery worker in love with Dutch (Spencer Tracy), a very good fisherman and also a tremendous blow-hard. He fancies himself the leader of some future workers' revolution. Hattie lives with her extended family including sister Lil (Una Merkel) and Lil's husband and two kids, with the son being played by a mischievous Mickey Rooney. Dutch doesn't treat Hattie very well - they spend most of their time arguing, and to complicate matters she has caught the eye of wharf boss Nick (Joseph Calleia).However, between arguments, Dutch and Hattie do manage to get married. Some have asked whatever Hattie saw in a selfish windbag like Dutch, but if a coherent 500 word essay was a prerequisite for love it would be the end of the human race, and I have seen odder pairings in real life that worked. They are married only a few months when Dutch decides he was meant for bigger and better things, and he tells Hattie he is leaving her - for awhile - to find his destiny. She understandably doesn't take this well, and he gets the last word in by saying that it's goodbye for keeps. Thus begins the long melodrama of these two apart as Dutch's plans don't exactly work out as he figured and an impulsive act by Hattie meant to aid Dutch in a time of trouble and that act's repercussions show Dutch how selfish he has been and how much she really means to him.In spite of the melodrama, there really are no bad guys here. Even lecherous Nick is likable in his own way, and his conversations with his lawyer are particularly humorous. Thus this film is pure Depression-era entertainment in the MGM tradition. It has many of the familiar building blocks of 30's MGM dramas, but they are assembled in a rather quirky way such that this is nothing that will change the world, but it's still very interesting. The cast is outstanding with good performances by all. Especially notable is Una Merkel's performance as loyal sister Lil who manages to be simultaneously feisty and frumpy.
boblipton Not as good as one would expect from the talent -- Spencer Tracy, Jean Harlow and a script of Anita Loos -- but MGM still hadn't quite figured out what to do with Tracy and they were still teaching Harlow how to act. Given the earnest script, there are *no* laughs in this one, but you might want to see this anyway.
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