Riders of Death Valley
Riders of Death Valley
NR | 01 July 1941 (USA)
Riders of Death Valley Trailers

The Saturday matinee crowd got two cowboy stars for the price of one in this lavishly budgeted western serial starring former singing cowboy Dick Foran and Buck Jones. The latter contributed deadpan humor to the proceedings, making Jones perhaps the highest paid B-western comedy relief in history. The two heroes defend the Death Valley borax miners from an outlaw gang headed by Wolf Reade. An extraordinarily strong cast -- for a serial, at least -- supported the stars, headed by Charles Bickford as Reade, Leo Carillo, Lon Chaney, Jr., and silent screen star Monte Blue. Leading lady Jeanne Kelly later changed her name to Jean Brooks and starred in the atmospheric RKO thriller The Seventh Victim (1943). Universal claimed to have spent $1 million on this serial and made sure to get their money's worth by endlessly recycling the action footage in serials and B-westerns for years to come.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Lawbolisted Powerful
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
JohnHowardReid Directors: FORD BEEBE, RAY TAYLOR. Screenplay: George Plympton, Sherman L. Lowe, Basil Dickey, Jack O'Donnell. Story: Oliver Drake. Photography: Jerome Ash and William A. Sickner. Supervising film editor: Saul A. Goodkind. Film editors: Joseph Gluck, Louis Sackin, Alvin Todd. Music director: Charles Previn. Dialogue director: Jacques Jaccard. Stunts: Leroy Johnson. Associate producer: Henry MacRae.Individual chapters copyright on various dates from 6 March 1941 to 21 April 1941 by Universal Pictures Co., Inc. U.S. release: 1 July 1941. Each chapter consists of two reels. Total running time: 283 minutes.Chapter titles: (1) Death Marks the Trail; (2) Menacing Herd; (3) Plunge of Peril; (4) Flaming Fury; (5) Avalanche of Doom; (6) Blood and Gold; (7) Death Rides the Storm; (8) Descending Doom; (9) Death Holds the Reins; (10) Devouring Flames; (11) Fatal Blast; (12) Thundering Doom; (13) The Bridge of Disaster; (14) A Fight to the Death; (15) The Harvest of Hate. SYNOPSIS: An old prospector discovers a lost gold mine which he deeds to his niece, Mary Morgan. Jim Benton and his riders offer to help Mary locate the mine and then work it for their mutual profit. A gang of outlaws in cahoots with two crooked saloon owners have other ideas.COMMENT: Despite assembling a colorful cast headed by two of our favorite cowboy heroes (Dick Foran and Buck Jones), who are pitted against two of the wickedest heavies in the business (Charles Bickford and Chaney Junior), this turns out to be a tame, lack- luster, repetitious serial with slender plot ideas and cumbersome comic relief. It's hard to believe that experienced writers like the five gentlemen credited here were unable to exercise their collective imagination and could come up with nothing more exciting than this disappointing charade. The chapter titles themselves indicate the general poverty of their invention. "Death" figures no less four times, "Doom" three times, and "Flaming/Flames" almost twice! It's particularly sad to see a fine talent like Buck Jones wasted in what amounts to a straw man supporting role with no fiber at all. What's worse, the action often grinds to a halt to allow that classic ham, Leo Carillo, leave to ham away with his phony but totally "unfunny" Mexican impersonation.It's hard to pick out a view-able yet representative chapter. Admittedly, two or three in which the action gets stuck in a mine are particularly boring, but the others plumb the depths of mediocrity and scale no heights at all. Just try the first and the last. They will give you a good idea of the quality of the serial as a whole. The "first million-dollar serial," Universal proudly proclaimed at the time of its initial release. Well, it may have cost a packet in players, extras and locations, but any Mascot effort you name delivers at least ten times the thrills and excitements. True, "Riders" does boast a great theme song. That's just the trouble. The credits promise bags of gold but deliver only a few drops of gloss.
dbborroughs With a cast of Western B movie royalty this was billed as "The million dollar serial." Its also an hour long programmer stretched to an ungodly length.Dick Foran, Leo Castillo, Lon Chaney, Noah Beery Jr, Buck Jones and several others are brought together to tell the story of bunch of cowboys fighting to find and maintain a lost gold mine. Its a typical tale thats been told a thousand times before in an hour long movie, only this time its being told in way that lasts five times that. It doesn't need it.To be honest the cast almost makes this worth watching, however the pacing and story line of the first 8 or 9 chapters is what I call the "40 years in the wilderness". Its a long haul where not much really happens. To be certain watching on a chapter by chapter basis this works better than trying to do it in one sitting, but at the same time the rewards beyond the great cast are minimal. Lets face it its just really dull.For western fans or fans of the stars only.
reptilicus Back in 1918 Universal Studios gave the world the first feature film that cost over $1 million to make. That was BLIND HUSBANDS directed by Erich von Strohiem. It was 23 years later when Universal also made the first serial that cost $1 million. By this time the Laemmle's, Snr. and Jnr. were long gone and I wonder when Carl Laemmle the elder would have said about spending so much on a serial?Well that is the movie I am here to-night to talk about. RIDERS OF DEATH VALLEY stars Dick Foran, best known as a singing cowboy. He's backed up by Buck Jones (Edward D. Wood Jnr's fave cowboy actor, there's a bit of trivia for you!), Jean Brooks, Leo Carillo, Noah Beery Jnr. and Guinn "Big Boy" WIlliams. On the side of the bad guys there's Charles Bickford, Lon Chaney Jnr., James Blaine and Monte Blue.This is a western serial with 4 staff writers working on it so you just know not a single cliché will be left untapped. Characters have names like "Tombstone", "Pancho", "Smokey", "Trigger", "Tex", "Borax Bill", "Cactus Pete" and "Chuckawalla Charlie". There's even a location called "Funeral Pass" (what, no "Deadman's Gulch"? How'd they miss THAT one?). Have I mentioned the plot yet? I haven't? Sorry!James Blaine and Monte Blue want to run all the prospectors out of Death Valley and grab all their claims for next to nothing. To do they they enlist the help of "Wolf" (Charles Bickford) and his gang. Butch (Lon) is the second in command and just as quick on the trigger as his boss. The good guys are known as The Riders and they just happen to know the location of a lost Aztec gold mine with a fortune in ore. For 15 chapters Wolf and his gang try to get it and are constantly thwarted by the Riders. Complications include framing good guy Jim (Dick Foran) for murder, sabotaging mining equipment, stampedes, explosions, shootouts and LOTS of fistfights! Sadly the cliffhangers are not as good as the ones offered by rival serial makers Republic and Columbia. One example: Jim and Mary are about to be run over by a stampede at one chapter ending but in the next chapter we see the horses have miraculously all missed them! Another one, Jim and Tombstone are going into the mine on an elevator when a minor villain sabotages the cable and they plunge to the bottom. In the next chapter they simply are pulled up again and neither has so much as a bruise!Charles Bickford had worked as a villain for Cecil B. DeMille in movies like DYNAMITE (1929) and the rarely seen THIS DAY AND AGE (1933) so he knew how to be a convincing bad guy. For Lon Jnr this movie came after MAN MADE MONSTER and before THE WOLFMAN and he was still hoping to get more leading man roles. Noah Beery Jnr does not have much to do in this one but he and Lon would work together again, this time on the same side in OVERLAND MAIL (1944). Monte Blue and also worked with Chaney in the Republic serial UNDERSEA KINGOM (1936).So do I like this movie? YES! It may be predictable but thanks to so many great character actors and competent direction by serial vet Ford Beebe it is never dull.
bsmith5552 Universal reportedly budgeted one million dollars for "Riders of Death Valley" a sum unheard of in "B" movie circles. It has more of everything..a large cast, extensive location shots, lots of action, plenty of chases and shootouts etc. In spite of the grand scale, there are also plenty of the usual "B" movie cliches. There are obvious stock footage shots used, nobody can hit the broadside of a barn (on both sides of the law) and... well there's just too much overkill in trying to raise this serial above the norm.The plot is simple. The "Riders" of the title are a group of riders protecting local miners from the bad guys. Heading up the riders are Jim Benton and his pal Tombstone (Dick Foran, Buck Jones). Opposing them are Wolf Reade (Charles Bickford) and his "wolf pack" backed up by "respectable town citizens" Kirby and Davis (James Blaine, Monte Blue). Benton acquires joint ownership in the "Lost Aztec Mine" with heroine Mary (Jeanne Kelly) and the rest of the story concerns their efforts to hold on to their property.Dick Foran who appears to do most of his own action scenes, makes a likeable hero in the lead. The legendary Buck Jones, who had been around westerns since 1918, was about to re-start his career after this one in the "Rough Rider" series just prior to his tragic death in 1942. Jones, getting along in years, is visibly doubled (by Rod Cameron I'm told) in virtually all of his action and riding scenes.Rounding out the "Riders" are Leo Carillo playing virtually the same character, Pancho that he would portray in the "Cisco Kid" series, Guinn "Big Boy" Williams as "Borax", Glenn Strange as "Tex" and Noah Berry Jr. as "Smokey", a character we hardly ever see. Veteran Edmund Cobb plays the mine foreman who can't seem to keep the baddies locked up.On the wrong side of the law, this serial was elevated a notch by the casting of Bickford (in black hat and mustache) as the chief villain. As far as I know, this was his only "B" western. His "Wolf Pack" includes such luminaries as Lon Chaney Jr. (wasted again), Roy Barcroft and Dick Alexander.All in all though, "Riders of Death Valley" is one of the better western serials of the period, although Republic Pictures probably could have done it better with less.
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