Richard the Lionheart: Rebellion
Richard the Lionheart: Rebellion
NR | 11 June 2015 (USA)
Richard the Lionheart: Rebellion Trailers

The year is 1173. England and France are at war. The destiny of the two great powers has never been so intertwined. As King Henry's wife, Queen Eleanor, is captured and imprisoned by the king himself, Richard and his brothers lead the fight against their father in a heartless war. Allegiances shift with each victory or defeat as the destinies of England and France keep swaying in a delicate balance.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Young Chun It was suggested by a friend of mine and I really enjoyed. It seems to be a low budget but doesn't look like at all, instead it is a good production and photography. Some actors are really good and editing is made really well. I loved the views of the yards and castles and of course it is made with a genuine prospective of what was about a crusade in the 1100 D.C. Also, the music was really good and it sounds like a Hollywood blockbuster score..
thomascallahan I loved Richard more than i shoud have, but that doesn't mean it is perfect. The dialogues were brilliant and the screenplay good. Utlimatly the storical movie are flat and boring, istead this One is addictive. I really appreciate Chandler Maness and Andrea Zirio, The chemistry between them is Good. The prison scene was very good, i've loved that in particularly. The attention to details are admirable. And the job done during The fight scenes are absolutely great. The director movie use The lights and The colors in a very Good way, sign He knows what He did. I really appreciate The music and The acting. The power of The film is The passion of The characters and a great editing. This movie captured me until The end and I'm really curious For a next chapters. Good work Stefano, The last applause is For your work.
sally-427-625668 One of the worst films I've had the misfortune to watch. Two minutes in found me fiddling around in my handbag for entertainment. There were a few minutes when the princes were introduced where I thought it might be worth watching just for the eye candy but they turned out to be corny and just as naff as everything else. If a knight urgently knocks on a 6 inch thick internal castle door you don't expect it to sound as if its being done on a Formica topped school desk by a 5-year-old .... and when one of the princes need to escape instead of showing him doing it he is told 'there's a tunnel my father told me about' and then they are out! No budget for a tunnel - I like a good tunnel in a medieval drama.Costumes were dreadful and although the Queens gratuitous nakedness was quite entertaining full frontal breast enhancements in 1173 is just wrong!
robertka1 I always enjoy movies about the crusades, medieval wars and vikings; therefore, when I saw this title, I checked the rating and couldn't believe that it would be so low. Maybe it was rated by members who did not appreciate this kind of movies. Man, was I ever wrong! First of all, nothing makes sense. The whole premise is excruciatingly amateurish. At the beginning, someone sees a wolf, as if that has some meaning; however, it does not. Are they imitating Game of Thrones? At around 37:00 minutes, the lord and his imposed guest enter the castle from the main door. A couple of minutes later, the exact same scene is shown again with the same dialogue!! Was the editor smoking something? Towards the end, during the battle between Wilhelm and Richard, Wilhelm swings the sword around in preparation for the fight and you are shown the scenery around them in a crazy, twisted way FROM THE SWORD POINT OF VIEW as if the sword could see while being swung around!! All the female actresses showed their nudity, this had nothing to do with the plot. Was that to add sizzle? Finally, the volume of the music score. To give some depth(?) to the story, all of a sudden the volume is increased very loudly. Bottom line, a very confusing plot and dialogue. King Louis, trying to sound French, sounded more like he had a Jewish accent! I could go on and on.I give this amateurish movie a rating of 2 for the many extras who wasted their time on this video (what else can you call it) and who I hope got paid.
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