Rhapsody Rabbit
Rhapsody Rabbit
| 09 November 1946 (USA)
Rhapsody Rabbit Trailers

When Bugs attempts to perform Liszt's Second Hungarian Rhapsody, he is troubled by a mouse.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Michael_Elliott Rhapsody Rabbit (1946)*** 1/2 (out of 4)Bugs Bunny plays a famous pianist who is performing Franz Lizst's Hungarian Rphansody when he becomes distracted by a small mouse who wants to play as well. This certainly fits the bill for a "classic" status because of the imagination that runs through the picture. There are all sorts of great gags here but I think what works so well is the way he uses the music to really fit all of the animation. Just take a look at the sequence where Bugs is playing the piano and he sets up a mouse trap. This works out so well that you can't help but think that the writers were having a field day coming up with this stuff. Fans of Bugs or just classic animation will absolutely need to see this one.
TheLittleSongbird This is a truly wonderful and imaginative cartoon. The animation is very effective and beautiful if rather simple. The music is a real highlight, I love the cartoons that feature classical music, and this is no exception. Franz Lizst's "Hungarian Rhapsody no 2" (amongst others) is a real treat, but extremely complicated to play on the piano and put to really clever use. Bugs is not as funny as he usually is, but he does a stellar job, courtesy to some brilliant vocal characterisations from Mel Blanc. During his performance of "Hungarian Rhapsody no 2", Bugs has to overcome many obstacles, such as the coughing audience member and being upstaged by a musical (and cute) mouse in a Tom and Jerry-like scenario. The minimal use of dialogue is good, the funniest gag of the cartoon was the telephone call where Bugs says "Franz Lizst? Nah, never heard of him!" Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this, it mayn't be Bug's very best but it is great fun. 10/10 Bethany Cox
Mightyzebra This is another very good Bugs Bunny and one of a few where he is involved in classical music (others are "A Corny Concerto" and "Baton Bunny"). Unlike those other ones I have seen of Bugs Bunny playing music, here he combines some of his more slapstick-style humour as well as verbal humour, along with his various styles of playing the piano. The episode references to some past and future Looney Tunes jokes and makes new jokes with an original style. All the humour in this episode is very good and works well.In this episode, Bugs Bunny begins to play Lizst's second Hungarian Rhapsody, when a mouse, who lives in the piano, interrupts Bugs Bunny and the rabbit begins to play various other tunes (not all classical), all very well. Bugs Bunny constantly tries to battle with the mouse and make him stop interrupting HIS show, but does the mouse pay any heed..?My favourite joke in the cartoon (I found it even funnier when I realised that it was Lizst's music Bugs Bunny was playing), is when Bugs Bunny receives a call in the middle of the show. At Bugs Bunny's end we hear, "Franz Lizst? Nah, never heard of him." I highly recommend this cartoon to anyone who likes music, Bugs Bunny and cartoons. Enjoy "Rhapsody Rabbit"! :-)
movieman_kev I could attempt to review like a certain Nutball! of Movies!! And use the same exact "review"!!! Cutting...and pasting!!! said exclamation heavy!!! review on every single Looney Tunes Short!!! But that's not my style!!!... OK sorry about that but it just really peeves me. Anyways on to the review proper.Bugs is trying to play a classical piece for the audience, but is constantly troubled by a mouse in the piano. This cartoon is funny when taken on it's own, but very similar to "Cat Concerto" a Tom & Jerry short made around the same time with the same storyline. While this short is great, that one is utter brilliance. And this one sadly pales in comparison. This animated short can be seen on Disc 4 of the Looney Tunes Golden Collection Volume 2 and also features an optional commentary by Daniel Goldmark.My Grade: B+
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