Reverse of the Curse of the Bambino
Reverse of the Curse of the Bambino
| 10 December 2004 (USA)
Reverse of the Curse of the Bambino Trailers

This acclaimed documentary combines unforgettable archival footage with contemporary interviews that focus on the true Red Sox fans who have been dreaming of the day they could see the Curse of the Bambino put to rest, once and for all. Featuring new footage from the devastating '03 Pennant loss, the highlights of the '04 playoff victories and the World Series sweep.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Inadvands Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Hayleigh Joseph This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
Michael_Elliott Reverse of the Curse of the Bambino (2004) *** (out of 4) Follow-up to CURSE OF THE BAMBINO gathers up Boston Red Sox's fans, writers and celebrity fans as they discuss finally breaking the curse in 2004. This documentary is certainly a few notches below the previous and the biggest reason is that the majority of the running time here is just footage from that first doc. I think it's fair to say that this thing was probably rushed into production after the Red Sox won the title so this might explain why so much footage was used but it really wasn't needed. They should have either left it out, edited it down or come up with some new stuff. With that said, the "curse" stories of the Red Sox's career was just so strange to listen to but even stranger was the way they ended up finally winning. Being down 3-0 to the Yankees when the curse finally lifted and as the fans said you could just see that everything that normally went against them was now going for them. The interviews with the Red Sox fans were extremely touching and funny as they finally got what they've been waiting for their entire lives. Hearing them talk down about the Yankees was also quite funny even if they still have plenty more championships. Red Sox and baseball fans should enjoy this.
vicieniello Born and raised on the Red Sox, when I wasn't enjoying the archive footage, this movie made me laugh all the way through 'till the end when I shed a few tears. Hysterical, authentic New England comments. The real Red Sox movie. A must have for a dye hard Sox fan made only as true Red Sox fans could. I have all the other World series DVDs and this is the real stuff. A must have. I don't know what else to say but I think if someone from California saw it, they might not get it. This movie is made of world class professionalism yet it isn't for anyone who didn't grow up here and KNOWS what we're talking about. The anti- Yankees stuff is real and at the same time New England humor. They should show this at Harvard.
Drew-Barrymore-Obsessed Well yes all Red Sox fans will enjoy this. It is for the soul of Boston. Only Red Sox fans will truly like this for one reason all Yankees fans will hate it. I didn't hate it because I am a Red Sox fan but anyone who can say the Yankees have good players won't like this. Of course archive footage of all your favourite players like Bucky F***** Dent, and Johnny Damon, along with Trot, Tek and others. Of course yes Bucky Dent had a special middle name not a usual one though. It is now my new swearing device when I get mad. AW BUCKY F***** DENT!. You must watch it because it is mind lifting and yet painful. I got heartburn just because the curse of the bambino lived and oh!! I watched it and it isn't pleasant to watch but Red SOx ams or pros will love this.
David Stever I saw this during the 2004 season, and it went so far to explain what the Red Sox mean to me. They are the team I have followed since I was six years old (I'm in my fifties), and every time they have made the post-season, I have followed every game. I was convinced twice they they would win it all (1986 and 2003), and twice I saw them flush it all away.The way they find the folks who have memorized every pitch is amazing; I'm not that way, but I understand what these folks are saying. I have also seen the revised version of this show, which updates with the results of the 2004 playoffs. I can hardly wait for this season to start, to see what will happen next...