PG-13 | 10 February 2007 (USA)
Reverb Trailers

A rock musician, in need for a hit album, locks himself and his band up overnight inside a recording studio. While sampling an old recording with a spooky voice inside, a life and death struggle against the ultimate evil ensues.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
azizanicole I am a really big fan of British movies, i think they have a slight edge over our American counterparts in the fact its all about the imagination and what is not there.However, with Reverb; i was disappointed and didn't feel anything for the characters at all. Not much going on about the music or the reason behind all the crazy actions, it just is. I like a little history to why it all began in what i watch, it gives me a sense of understanding.All in all it is an okay flick, for an hour and 23 minutes you could find your mind wondering as slowly chaos takes over. The pace is a little slow for my liking although the acting is good but i feel that something was still slightly missing from it all.It is no Deathwatch or 28 days later but still an okay movie.
HumanoidOfFlesh A rock band prepare to record their comeback album by locking themselves in a recording studio overnight.They sample an old recording which turns out to hide a mysterious voice that opens a gateway to Hell."Reverb" was currently released in Poland on DVD,so naturally I wanted to give it a look.Unfortunately the film left me disappointed.The premise of "Reverb" is actually pretty interesting,but its execution is unsatisfying and rather dull.There is no suspense,just a lot of quick cuts,even the amount of grue is minimal.Overall,I didn't enjoy this film as much as I wanted.Still if you have enough time to kill give it a chance.5 out of 10.
redsaga I love good movie thrills but haven't been able to get one in a long time. There are many movies out there, newly released, that I watched with pretty high expectations. After a number of those - and always ending up being totally disappointed I learned not to expect too much before I sat down to watch Reverb.From the very first minute the suspense and discomfort starts to build up with flashes of weird and dark pictures show up on the screen along with shrieks and loud sounds that I imagine will make many people jump. Although I'm not a huge fan of jumpers I have to admit that the director managed to do this one good.The movie keeps the viewer in discomfort until the end, much thanks to sound and image. Reverb is far from perfect but with little expectations I was definitely pleasantly surprised.***POSSIBLE SPOILERS BELOW***Alex is a musician who together with Maddy, a friend and band member, locks himself in a studio in hopes of getting a boost in his career. They discover unpleasant voices and crying in an old song that Alex wants to sample.As time goes and more weird stuff happens Maddy gets more and more convinced that something bad happened while that old song was recorded and decides to find out what happened while desperately trying to stop what she thinks is about to happen.
khunia and then a movie such as this comes along, please do yourself a favour and do not watch this movie, by doing so you will in the process do a favour for the entire world and encourage these people to NOT make anymore movies, EVER again. The rating for this movie was 8.3, which i surmise is from those involved with this debacle of a film. The acting is terrible, well EVERYTHING is terrible, problem is, this movie has quite a good storyline behind, however i would have found more enjoyment reading the book. It isn't very often that I want to throw something through my own television, well I now know how far I can be pushed and I hope to god i never ever revisit that place ever again. After getting halfway through this farce i turned it off and thought to myself "What The?", so my recommendation stay away from this movie like it has the black plague.