The Final Patient
The Final Patient
NR | 05 August 2005 (USA)
The Final Patient Trailers

When retired physician Daniel Green (Bill Cobbs, Night at the Museum) lifts a 5-ton farm tractor off a boy trapped beneath, the enigma of his supernatural strength piques the curiosity of two med students passing through town. Visiting the old doctor at his isolated farmhouse, they soon learn his bizarre secret: he has uncovered the key to eternal youth. But sometimes the lust for immortality has deadly consequences. The night takes a twisted turn as the young men discover Dr. Green's "miracle" has come with a horrifying price - and a fate far worse than growing old.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Scott LeBrun This really isn't a bad film at all. In fact, it's a fairly good one, and is a refreshing change of pace for the horror genre nowadays in that it entirely hinges on character and performance. That is, until its misfired finale that is much too conventional and disappointing considering just how much build up is in this thing. The excellent veteran character actor Bill Cobbs shines in a rare lead role; it's a good thing that he should get such a major showcase for once. He plays a septuagenarian doctor / farmer with an ill wife who needs looking after. One day, on his property, a local kid is playing around and gets pinned under an old tractor. Dr. Dan (Cobbs) then proceeds to exhibit some superhuman strength and lift the tractor off of the boy so that he can be moved. Word of this miracle spreads to two college kids, Willy (Jason Scott Campbell) and Cameron (Alex Feldman), and Cameron is determined to find out all of Dans' big secrets - some of which he does reveal to him, in a standout sequence where Dan spills out his big back story, having heard of a powerful drug used by monks in ancient times which Dan has been able to replicate. As a result, he's in much better shape than he should by all rights be; he can outrun his dog, for one thing. But on the dark and stormy night that Willy and Cameron pay a supposedly social visit to the solicitous, friendly senior, bad things soon start happening. One element that helps bring "The Final Patient" down a peg or two is the way that co-writer / director Jerry Mainardi doesn't seem too keen on explaining just a bit more, at least in regards to the motivation of Dans' wife Elizabeth (Lizan Mitchell); what exactly is her deal? Affecting music and good acting can only do so much to keep this thing interesting; Campbell and Feldman aren't on a level with Cobbs, but deliver basically creditable performances; also on hand is another solid and under-rated actor, Guy Boyd (the sardonic detective in 1984's "Body Double") as the local sheriff. The film really is very light on horror until its final act, but the horror that takes place is nothing special. There's some good gore, but the makeup effects on Elizabeth really aren't that great. (One thing's for sure, and that's that the big reveal of her appearance wouldn't be as ineffective if it weren't advertised on the back of the Blu-ray cover.) Overall, this would have to rate as a nice try that just doesn't properly deliver in the end...especially given how clichéd that end is. Cobbs pushes up the rating by a point. Six out of 10.
rascal9tx I watched this movie with quite a lot of hope for having found a diamond in the rough, but was thoroughly disappointed. The movie is VERY slow throughout the middle of the film and the ending is so bizarre that I was very irritated when the credits began to roll. The ending could have been better if the filmmakers had elected to explain WHY Mrs. Green wanted to kill everyone. I gathered that she was homicidal because of the effects of the drug, but the film didn't really clarify, either through a back story telling about her addiction to and reactions from the drug or some other device. Basically, it showed her sneaking downstairs to snag some of the formula while her husband went to town (what did she do to get the drug all those months when her husband DIDN'T go to town?) and then she goes wildly crazy at the end and tries to kill everyone. I think it's sad when a movie has to have it's back story explained on IMDb message boards rather than during the film. And how come hubby wasn't homicidal while taking the same formula?!? And then Mrs. Green magically pops up under Cameron's (whose character is extremely annoying in the beginning) hospital bed, unbeknownst to the medical staff who go in and out of his room at all hours of the day and night. The ending would have been laughable had I not been so irritated at the whole waste of my time. As slow as the film was, I kept telling myself, "This had BETTER make up for the slow-going with a great ending!" Wow, was I let down. . .
thespy8 I don't know what movie the other reviewers were watching, but they must be associated with the production or are family members of one of them to write that type of review. This movie is boring and predictable. The plot, if there is one, is full of holes. This movie looks like a project a failing cinematography student may put out. Warning, I saw this movie under the title: One Step Closer. One can only imagine why the creators are trying to distribute it under a different name... As a side note, this site is here for guidance in helping us pick movies to watch. I cannot understand why it is becoming more and more a vehicle for some people to mislead the general public. I think IMDb should be aware of this!!!
ineedthebeach2 This movie was not only scary, but well executed. BIll Cobbs, Alex Feldman, and Jason Scott Campbell's chemistry added to making the whole story truly believable. Subtle hints throughout the movie explain the outcome of the movie, but of course, many of them are missed until you go back and think about what has happened. There were also some comedic scenes, such as in the bar, and the cocky behavior of Alex, (one of the medical students), as well as the conversations among the bar patrons, that will make you chuckle. The patrons in the sleepy little town where the movie was filmed, seems to be stuck in the seventies... or perhaps, its just small town America. The two college students are certainly a rude awakening to what America has become. A society with its main focus on money, success and greed. You will be taken by surprise as the events of this movie unfold. The story is well crafted and intriguing. Bill Cobbs is at his best!