R | 03 September 1999 (USA)
Revenge Trailers

A serial killer, whose victims are men with similar pasts, is tracked by a policewoman.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
vchimpanzee At the start of the movie, Philadelphia police detective Laura Underwood helps deal with a domestic dispute. She shows the type of cop she is--in real life, what she does wouldn't be proper procedure. Instead, the scene is more of a fantasy for abused women.Laura doesn't want to go to her 10-year high school reunion. but she may have to; two of her male classmates have died from falling off tall buildings. She is the one who makes the connection between them, and because there were two similar deaths, foul play may be involved.We already know the murderer is a beautiful blonde (who may be wearing a wig; at the very least it couldn't be anyone's real hair color). What we don't know is who she is or why she is killing. Or who will be next. We learn all of this as the cops do, and it's interesting to watch the process. We do see very brief flashbacks of a violent past event as the murders take place. The event is later shown in its entirety, and while well done, it's quite disturbing.Brian is Laura's former boyfriend, and he wants a future with her as well. Tom, Gary, Ron and Scotty are some of Laura's classmates. Kelly organized the reunion and is entirely too cutesy for this type film. Jimmy is another of the detectives, and I couldn't help thinking of him as being like Jimmy Olsen, since Laura reminds me of Lois Lane. Not Erica Durance's or Teri Hatcher's, necessarily, but just the general image of the tough but attractive career woman with brains and skills for investigating.Alexandra Paul is certainly pretty, and she looks good in shorts or a short dress. She has some good moments as an actress here, but I wouldn't say she shows consistent talent.Michelle Johnson gives the standout performance here, deceptively sweet at first, in a manner similar to a hooker or stripper, before she reveals her true intentions. She doesn't come across as really wacko, but she is a pleasure to watch, in a demented sort of way.Vlasta Vrana also gives a good performance as Laura's partner. At least I think that's what he is. He is so much older sometimes I thought he was the chief.There are some boring romantic scenes, but the primary plot provides quite a bit of excitement, especially toward the end. At the same time, there's nothing really special here. And real cops probably would have had an easier time catching this troubled woman.The violence isn't graphic, though one scene shows quite a bit of blood. It's that past event that led to what we see that would be the biggest reason for parents to be concerned. At the same time, this is fairly tame for a murder mystery.I've seen better mysteries, but this isn't bad.
André Roussil The other comments that rave about this pathetic attempt at filmaking must be members of the cast's families. I had to view it till the end, hypnotized by disbelief. It's a serial killer story like Clint Eastwood's "Sudden Impact". Typical of poor writing, it requires the good guys to have a collective IQ under 20 otherwise the feature would be ten minutes long. Everything is telegraphed from beginning to end. The detectives are continuously behind a very stupid criminal who would have been caught by the lowliest real detective. People are dropping like flies under the most suspicious circumstances, they know the originating incident and everything is virtually lying in front of them, but they just can't figure it out. Also indicative of very poor writing, the characters ore full of attitude without anything between the lines. I would use this film to show film students what not to do as it contains all the errors a filmmaker can make. To top all this, It has that glossy stilted, commercial, TV, Canadian, Kodak film stock look. There is a complete lack of attention to any kind of detail. It's really hard to know where to start on this lemon. It always amazes me that you can actually finance such crap without anyone noticing.
Bob7 Reviewer Chris had it about right, it's ok but about the level of a network TV movie. It's about being double-crossed by your spouse, and moves along ok, without any real plot twists. If you're usually happy with TV movies you'll probably like this, but if you're looking for more, skip it. -Bob
slush-3 I thought the movie was pretty good. It was nice to see Alexandra Paul in a starring role. She did an excellent job of carrying out the movie herself and looked great. The movie was not as predictable as I thought. It has some twists and turns that really surprised me. Watch it if you can!