Revenge for Jolly!
Revenge for Jolly!
R | 07 May 2013 (USA)
Revenge for Jolly! Trailers

Harry is having a very, very bad day. He returns home from an all-night drinking binge with his cousin Cecil, to discover that his little dog Jolly...Harry's one true love and the source of light in his dark, solitary life-has been murdered. Brokenhearted and beyond consolation, he vows to track down the dog's murderer at any cost. Armed with a stockpile of firepower in the trunk of his car, he and Cecil embark on a frenzied, alcohol-fueled wild-goose chase, leaving a bloody path of destruction in their wake.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Tss5078 Harry (Brian Petsos) is an alcoholic, a degenerate gambler, and just an overall miserable person, but one thing does make him feel a little better, his chihuahua, Jolly. While Harry is out, a bad man comes looking for him, and when he doesn't find him, he leaves a warning, and hangs Jolly from the ceiling. Upon returning home, Harry finds Jolly and loses it before meeting up with his cousin Cecil (Oscar Issac). Together, they go on an alcohol fueled revenge trip. At first I thought this was supposed to be some kind of farce on Tarentino films, but soon realized it's not sophisticated enough for that. These two guys are drunk the whole film and I suppose their bumbling actions are supposed to be funny, but they are far from it. The Producers must have known this and that's why bigger names have cameos in just about every scene. No one can believe this is all over a dog, what I can't believe is that the two leads weren't re-cast after the first day of filming. I really am at a lose to think of a comedy that was less funny than this. I gave it one star, because of the appearance by Elijah Wood, which was absolutely the only reason anyone should even think about seeing this piece of trash. Other than that, Revenge For Jolly! is just another independent comedy, that falls flat on it's face.
timlundberg I have lost a lot of respect for a bunch of actors who should know better. A terrible film by spoilt Hollywood idiots taken with the idea that it is OK and hilarious for poor disenfranchised commoners to shoot each other to bits for no reason. I guess the star and writer and all the others who indulged in this morally bankrupt attempt at comedy couldn't see that it is idiotic with no redeeming factors, terrible script, awful acting. Pointlessly violent and attempting to play to some misconceived idea of hip, this film has no heart, no humanity and there is nothing to learn or see here. Stay away from this drivel and don't indulge the idea that there is some kind of black humour at work here, there isn't.
napierslogs "Revenge for Jolly" is a crime drama masquerading as a dark comedy. It starts out very serious. Harry (Brian Petsos) is a good guy who has done bad things and is in over his head. But then bad guys kill his dog and he and his cousin, Cecil (Oscar Isaac), are out for revenge. And then with another bad decision Harry kills a guy. Ha ha ha, isn't that hilarious?Seriously. At that moment the film decides to take a dark crime drama and turn it into a comedy. Follow up a murder with witty repartee which should only be attempted by good writers. These are not good writers. The entire beginning of the movie was told by narration, the rest of the movie was one-off scenes with good actors. Some of which were mildly funny, most of which were extremely violent, none of which were cohesive.This is one of the worst attempts I have ever seen at a dark comedy. The actors played it all so seriously (and frequently it was very serious) but then there would be a number of ridiculously violent acts and then they would have a ridiculous nonsense conversation to be played for laughs. I get the juxtaposition, but none of it worked together.The lead actor couldn't play subtle at all. Isaac does a great job of playing a bad guy who isn't so bad (he can also throw in some subtle comedy) but his character was terrible. Cecil was supposedly a good guy with a bad cousin but he was just bad with no redeeming qualities. I think the writers thought that since he wasn't as vicious as Harry, the audience would like him. As for Harry, extreme pet fanatics would understand him. But has no one ever heard of moderation?A number of good actors come in for one scene. Most of their comedy was non-sequitors, and most really weren't funny. I did laugh at Adam Brody and Bobby Moynihan playing unscrupulous lawyers, but that was just the beginning of one scene. Most of the comedy was to come from the dialogue, but it was terrible dialogue and shouldn't be uttered by any actor no matter what the skill level. I do at least understand why all of the big name actors agreed to be in it. What's the one type of scene that all actors love? Well, they all get to do it. I don't think that's a good reason to be in a movie, but that's for a different discussion. The problem with "Revenge for Jolly" is that it couldn't get across what kind of movie it was. Is it a crime drama? Or a dark comedy? How about a satire of a crime drama? Or is it a satire of a dark comedy? There was crimes and there was comedy but they didn't go together.
Anton S. I couldn't wait to download this movie. My friend tweeted that he loved it. I watched it and honestly I didn't really understand it and wasn't that into it at first. And the ending made me really angry. I won't spoil it for you. I kept thinking about it the next day and watched it again with my girlfriend who has a dog and is a huge dog lover and that's when I understood it. There is some genius in this film. It is an independent movie not a Hollywood movie, even though there are some big time movie stars in it. People are comparing it to Tarantino but that's not a good comparison. It never treats the violence or the conversation like the way Tarantino would. There are a few scenes where there is long dialog but I think it was needed at those points. There are a lot of quiet sections which I really liked and then it will hit you with these obviously funny sections. And I realized that was kind of making me angry to but my girlfriend pointed out how the main guy seems so broken hearted and the actor is basically doing a serious performance. His friend keeps trying to help him and goes along with him all around the town for the whole day, and it is repetitive but I realized that's what is so good about it! The director has to be doing this on purpose. Things keep getting worse and worse and it leads right up to the very end. Again I'm not going to spoil it. The two main guys were great and the guest stars were mostly hilarious, except one was a wasted performance. After watching it a second time I realized that I think it's supposed to make you angry because it's pulling you through this voyage and then it ends how it does. Yes there are plenty of laughs kind of like "the office" type humor but it is the whole thing that made me feel like it was a sick joke but in a really good way. It is really a black black comedy. Now I love this movie.