Return in Red
Return in Red
R | 06 July 2007 (USA)
Return in Red Trailers

Certain electromagnetic frequencies can cause mental disruption in human beings... and now someone has decided to put that to the test on the people of a small town. Used as guinea pigs, the citizens find their lives turned upside down in a terrifying nightmare that will haunt your mind long after the chilling climax.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
drobatin-1 How about just the fact that this movie simply sucked. The writers seemed to have run out of mundane crap for the main character do, so they killed him off. It was like watching "Slackers" except that none of the characters were interesting at all. And the idea that you don't "understand" the film or don't "appreciate" character set up, development, etc is a load of shite. None of the characters were developed and the most interesting one was a guy who spent most of his time on camera asleep. As for the sound effects that "guided" the film as one jaggoff mentioned, please ... just because it was an actual character in the movie (the personification of the bad guys) didn't mean that it was a good performance either. I have to admit I was curious to see what an indie scifi/horror could do, but without ANY good acting, it's tough to see any redeemable qualities.
Griezz While the general theme of secret experiments conducted on the public may seem appealing to some viewers, "Return in Red" hardly seems to do the idea any credit.I am not going to argue that the acting or cinematography was sub-par; you don't really need name actors or a million dollar budget do create a great film. However, one thing is essential is a plot that is logical, reasonable and understandable.There were a few good aspects of the film. The dreariness of the film's visual style blended nicely with the constant sound of the wind in exterior scenes; together, they nicely enhance the feeling of isolation leading to helplessness. However, a film must be about more than setting.Good films have dialogue; even the old silent films still had character interactions and a plot that you could follow. Sadly, this film often neglected both. Too many scenes had little more than people quietly walking around. There is little about the relationships between people that seem hard pressed to display anything more than wooden sullenness.Even the supposed theme of government experiments is highly questionable. You never see anything of the experimenters except for a van, some piece of electrical hardware, and a black-clothed gloved arm that grabs people. You never see or hear anything about motivation, except for someone calling-in to a radio talk show at the film's end with a claim about government experiments. While it might be what happened, there is nothing here that justifies that.There are too many unexplained events as well. One character has a dream that foreshadows events, but is never explained. Is she supposed to be psychic or was it some amazing coincidence? The two people at the end supposed to be immune to the experiment's effects? Nothing is explained.Given the lack of information, the lack of character dialogue, and the lack of reasonable explanations of motives, I'd have to say that this film generally also lacks any value.
Rabh17 I give it a half n half because despite the great acting and atmospherics, I kinda felt put off. I mean, that rural town and it's people were NICE. There were no bad people who you felt should "Get whacked". No Philandering husband. No venal prostitutes. No crooked sheriff. Just hardworking, ordinary likable folks. So the ending just left me angry and unhappy and puzzled. If you like monsters or monstrous people and events like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, you may like this. But if you don't like hopeless secret governmental conspiracy plots, the movie may leave you with a bad taste.
HEFILM A well made,shot on film, rurally made, in the best sense, sci fi horror, conspiracy movie. It moves at a pace that makes the shocks when they come quite effective, though the slow build may at times be a bit tedious the pay off it worth it. The music and sound work are very important, there are good twists and a powerful directness to the ending. Sound especially! The themes of the movie obviously calls for good sound work. The pace is deliberate, seems like you can't escape from certain scenes and you know something bad is going to happen.Has the feel of a film like "RABID." The locations and acting are totally convincing and really put you in the small town under a strange form of assault. Has the feel also of BREAKFAST AT THE MANCHESTER MORGUE. Though this is not a gore fest.Those who want everything explained will be left cold, but the film makes sense within it's own logic. The isolation feel of the movie is pretty powerful and this is creepy disturbing stuff. There is gore and it's well done but that's a small element to the film.Very effective little movie, occasionally just a bit dullish in the middle, but worth a look for any serious fan of the genre, and some of it will linger with you long after it's over.