Rennie's Landing
Rennie's Landing
| 15 June 2001 (USA)
Rennie's Landing Trailers

Life is hard. You can't always get what you want. but Alec Nichols has a plan to change all that. It involves his three friends, a bank and five million bucks. Together they swear to risk it all. But is the payoff worth it when there's no turning back?

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
vchimpanzee At the start of the movie, Alec, Samantha, Trevor and Casey are about to graduate from college. They reunite one year later in Los Angeles, and none of them are doing exactly what they expected.Alec and Trevor are living together in what can best be described as a dump. Alec would like to be a movie writer, but for now he is basically a secretary to a demanding female boss. Trevor wants to be an actor, but he can never succeed. Casey arrives in town with big dreams and gives the impression he is a success, but he isn't, and he's stuck living in the dump with the others. Plus he needs to find a girl who he had a child with years ago. Samantha, who goes by Sam, is an idealistic social worker who hopes she can keep an immigrant family from being deported, but this proves to be harder than she thinks, and her superiors are no help.Alec finds out he has a brain tumor, and this may be what is giving him visions. (Can you say "Eli Stone," boys and girls? I knew you could.) He may be seeing the future, or he may be finding out how to solve his problems and those of his friends. The visions give him the idea to rob a bank (though he keeps the source of his idea a secret from the others). And the bank robbery itself is the funniest part of the movie.This is okay, but overall nothing great. Too much of the movie is depressing, but I did like the funny parts. The ending comes as kind of a surprise.
sondicogk This movie is a waste of time. Though it has actors who have the potential to do something decent, the acting in the movie is sub-par, and has a cliché point. "You never know what's going to happen tomorrow, so live your life to the fullest and do what makes you happy." That sentence saves you from wasting hours of your life on this movie. People who like this movie are the same people who would enjoy sitting for two hours before finding that the entire movie was a dream sequence. If the most important part of the movie isn't even going to happen, at least make it enjoyable to watch and captivating. There's a reason this project didn't make a theatrical release, and though indy films can turn out very good, this one does not even come close.
aimless-46 "Stealing Time" actually dates back to 2001 when it was mysteriously titled "Rennie's Landing". Which explains how director Marc Fusco was able to afford this cast of now established television/movie actors in what is obviously an extremely low budget production. About ten minutes into the film you understand why this thing never got a theatrical release after it made the film festival rounds several years ago. Its recent distribution by Franchise Pictures probably reflects a perception that the rising popularity of certain cast members can be milked to recover some of the modest production costs. Although not a great addition to anyone's resume, young actors have done worse things when they were desperately seeking acting work of any kind.Peter Facinelli, Ethan Embry, Scott Foley and Charlotte Ayanna play college friends who do an early "Big Chill" reunion and compare war stories about the failure of reality to measure up to their dreams. Unfortunately nothing else happens, absolutely nothing. Yes Alec (Facinelli) dreams about a liquor store holdup and a bank robbery, which are then "cheaply and lamely" staged to completely inappropriate music. It is the least suspenseful bank job since W.C. Fields was the guard in "The Bank Dick". If anyone can point to any moment in "Stealing Time" where something "actually" happens I would like to know about it, because as far as I can tell, not a thing happens in the whole film. Perhaps Fusco, through incessant visual reflections, is trying to say something profound about taking control of one's life before it is too late. Like "St. Elmo's Fire" the movie is littered with every profound thought ever uttered by a young adult who has left the ivory tower to experience the real world for the first time.I felt Fusco was going for a kind of Howard Hawks Young Professionals in Action "Only Angels Have Wings" motif. Then again, I'm sure I was reading much too much into the film. After all, things actually happen Howard Hawks films.Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
love-aykroyd-forever This was such a great movie! i bought the dvd because it had such a great cast line up and i love ethan embry but i did not think i would like it that much. it is such a great movie! wow is all that i can say. why is this not a more popular movie. i bought it at my video store . i had never even heard of it. that is ashame because this is a excellent movie and now one of my all time favorites. the ending was great because it was not a typical sad ending. well it was still sad but not in the way you expected. the cast was excellent! great jobs by everyone in this movie which is hard to say about alot of movies. i recommend this movie to everyone. you will not be sorry. a must see film.