Red Water
Red Water
| 17 August 2003 (USA)
Red Water Trailers

In the quiet waters of the Mississippi, body parts are being discovered. No one knows what is behind it all, until a huge man eating bull shark turns up. This bull shark is different, as it can breath in fresh water, making a deadly encounter between anyone who comes before it. John Sanders must now try and reach the surface, with his ex-wife and whilst being held hostage.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
carl-thompson For me the highlight of the movie was the very short snippet of music they played just as Ms Swansen makes her appearance.(can't seem to find who it was by though) I don't know why, but I never seem to feel for the characters in these U.S movies. When Phillips relayed his hard luck story I thought we had jumped into a Leslie Nilson Parody. They could have all got eaten for all I cared, there was nobody there I would miss.Being under water with no air is at least as scary as the shark, but they didn't make much about that. In life people change from good to bad and back to good again with each passing moment, but not in This movie, a gangster is a gangster and a fisherman ain't ever gonna become the we all get so easily confused if people change sides. As usual I could have told you at the beginning of the movie who would survive and who wouldn't. The effects were good enough, especially for anyone who grew up with Gerry Anderson shows on Saturday mornings,and movies where the monster was always just outside the screen shot. but if you're not already sat on the edge of your seat before the monster appears then no amount of effects will save the movie.An extra couple of hours to go over the script, put in some humour and some 'real people things' Oh and a little more of the decent music, and This 3 star movie could have been an 8+ on the same budget.
FilmFanInTheHouse Red Water (2003, Dir. Charles Robert Carner) In the quiet waters of the Mississippi, body parts are being discovered. No one knows what is behind it all, until a huge man eating bull shark turns up. This bull shark is different, as it can breath in fresh water, making a deadly encounter between anyone who comes before it. John Sanders must now try and reach the surface, with his ex-wife and whilst being held hostage.It's very, very rare that i write a review for a film before it's actually finished, but for 'Red Water', i was that bored, i just needed something to do. This movie was just painful to get through. It was just too slow to start with and dragged on too much. The actors aren't the greatest and this really showed. I actually found Coolio very annoying during this film. The characters were useless, with no feelings felt at all towards deaths. The special effects were quite poor. They started off OK, but seemed to decrease in quality before the end of the film. The shark effect was more impressive than the explosions. If you want an enjoyable shark film, then choose a more professional made film."Get your ass off that ladder before i knock you off." - Ice (Coolio)
Jasper P. Morgan "Oh no, not another one" was the first thing I thought when I discovered this movie at my local video store. But being a fan of animal horror movies I couldn't resist, and so I watched it. And I don't regret I did. It's not the usual shark horror movie. It's rather an action thriller where one of the villains happens to be a man-eating shark. Well, the only disappointment for me was that this movie was produced for TV and therefore doesn't have the qualities of a big screen movie. But Lou Diamond Phillips, Kristy Swanson and the other actors give their best to make this an above average TV production. The story is good, but nothing we haven't seen before. The action is okay, and the shark effects are well done. I've been disappointed more than twice with Lou Diamond Phillips' movies in the past few years but in "Red Water" he did some great acting. I also loved the Louisiana setting with Cajun music and nice atmospheric sceneries. Since it doesn't have a lot of new ideas, though, I'll give it 6 out of 10, but if you get a chance, watch it. It's worth your while, if only an alternative to a boring TV program. Jasper P. Morgan
Michael O'Keefe Not very fearsome. Boat Captian John Sanders(Lou Diamond Phillips)is about to lose his boat due to lack of on-time payments to the bank. He is persuaded by his ex-wife(Kristy Swanson)to help her company find natural gas in a Louisiana river. At the same time criminals are looking for a sunken chest full of money. A gruesome discovery is made; a Bull shark is stalking the quiet lazy waters in a search of its own...human blood. It doesn't take long before you realize this is just another low budget shark flick. The action is about as slow as the dialog is dumb. And the shark scenes are noticeably too fake. However my favorite scene is...let's say when the shark gets "drilled".I'm a Phillips fan, but this movie makes BATS(1999) look pretty damn good. Coolio is horrid as bad guy Ice. On the other hand Rob Boltin's character Emery is likable. As for Swanson...she is female. Fears strikes out this time.