Red Velvet
Red Velvet
| 28 August 2009 (USA)
Red Velvet Trailers

A man and a young woman have a chance encounter at a laundry mat which leads to a story about a birthday party where everyone has been killed by a madman in a white jumpsuit.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Darrin-1 To lump this film in with horror comedies is doing it a disservice, as I think it's so much better than that. Personally, I don't care for horror comedies and thought this film was way too smart, clever and enjoyable to be deemed just another horror/comedy genre film. I can't wait to watch it with the commentary to see what I missed. You need to watch this film, and watch it on Blu-Ray as it looks amazing. I'm not going to tell you the plot of the film, so go read the reviews if you want to know what the film is about, just don't overlook it, as it's a true gem. If your looking for a lame slash and gash flick with horrible dialog and predictable story plots then this film isn't for you, go watch Cabin Fever again. Solid, solid little film!DustinL
DeborahPainter855 The cinematography and music are excellent and real standouts in this parody of the slasher films that have dominated horror movies for many years. Henry Thomas is a screenwriter who takes a break from his work because of the screaming matches going on in the apartment across from his. In the laundromat down the block he sees the very girl (Kelli Garner) who has been arguing with her boyfriend in the apartment across the hall. They are antagonistic toward each other at first but before the second rinse cycle they agree to eat lunch together. To entertain her he tells her tales of the untimely demises of all her friends who are at this moment at a cabin deep in the woods, throwing a birthday party she could not attend because her boyfriend did not want her to go.Later, she and the screenwriter take an impromptu drive up to that very cabin. I won't reveal any more of the plot, but suffice to say that the story is well written and the ending will shock you! "The Sci-Fi Guy" himself, "Mr. Monster", Forrest J Ackerman, has a cameo rather early on in this movie. Watch for him!
kissingtoast-2 I was lucky to see a screening of Red Velvet at Fear Fest 2, and I really, really enjoyed this film. The film is currently being shown around the comic/horror convention circuits. The producers stated that they then hope to have a limited theatrical release, culminating with the DVD release sometime in the Fall.If you enjoy Argento-esquire cinematography, an eerie Goblin-esquire score, a good cast including Henry Thomas in the lead, goobery-gore ala 70's/80's slasher era, and finally a very funny dark comedic script, then you will more than likely enjoy this film.If you get the opportunity to see this film I highly recommend you do will not be disappointed.
sjahier Red Velvet is one of the goriest and wittiest horror movies not just of this year, but EVER! Its highly original script gives the genre of horror hope amid all the PG-13 films made for tweens and wretched remakes clogging the video shelves.The film was screened to a packed house (standing room only!) at this year's Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors in Los Angeles and no one in the audience left disappointed. The script is uproarious in all the right places while still maintaining its horror sensibilities and having some truly splatterific set pieces. From the opening scenes in the laundromat where Aaron and Linda are trading jabs to the hilarious scene where they come up with the "perfect killer," the film is blackly comedic. And then there's the gore…the amazingly bloody gore! Like one scene where an unfortunate dude gets sawed in half. Or the scene in which a couple tries to climb out of a deep hole…but the end of the rope is attached to an alligator that keeps getting steadily and steadily closer to falling in the hole every time the couple climbs a few more feet…how's that for original? The acting is superb with Henry Thomas giving a manic, off-kilter performance as writer Aaron. Kelli Garner as Linda holds her own as well and proves that she won't be bullied by Aaron's snide remarks 'cause she dishes 'em right back! It was nice to see her character wasn't the stereotypical "helpless" female victim, but one who fights back. The supporting cast holds its own through the ever-changing characters' as Aaron molds his story to fit the personalities and looks of Linda's friends. Despite the many character incarnations, all of the actors held their own, among them Eric Jungmann (Killer Pad), Michele Nordin and Carlie Westerman (An American Crime).Heightening the atmosphere is the direction by first-time director Bruce Dickson. The shots are engaging and beautifully bathed in unnatural reds, purples, yellows and oranges (especially for the story-telling scenes). The uniquely disconcerting score also gives the audience the impression that they are entering the "Twilight Zone" and that we are in for something truly special and weird.My only complaint with the film was the ending, which lacked the punch of the rest of the film. Other than that, I am aglow with high praise for Red Velvet. It is truly one of the most memorable and unique horror films I've ever experienced.Read the entire review at