Red Team
Red Team
R | 23 January 2001 (USA)
Red Team Trailers

FBI Agent Jason Chandler has devoted his life to enforcing the law. But on the trail of a series of mysterious murders surrounding some of society's deadliest serial killers, Agent Chandler is forced down a path where no one can be trusted. Only this time, sociopathic killers are being meticulously murdered one by one in grisly circumstances - and it's no coincidence. Now, to search for justice, he must uncover the truth. And the life he must protect will be his own.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
mr-natural The biggest surprise was that there's an FBI team stationed in Winnipeg Canada. Ward was fine as usual. The leads were pathetic. A 25-yr-old kid making love to a very worn 40-ish gal agent with a terrible wig? It was embarrassing. Music was strange but at least it wasn't hip hop or rap. The main idea of a killer of serial killers was a good one. Too bad the concept was wasted on this cheap production. Great title, Red Team, should be used someday for something better. I would have given this movie a 1 instead of a 2, but I reserve 1's for pictures so bad that I walk out of them. My list of 1's isn't very long ... The Bell Jar, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, and The Crying Game. Red Team was just bearable enough to last to the VERY predictable end. Save your popcorn for almost anything else - throw a dart - this pig is not worth the effort.
Wizard-8 "Who is killing the serial killers?" states the quote on the cover of the video box, a quote that promises a twist in the tired serial killer genre. However, the answer becomes quite clear in the first few minutes! Then for about 3/4 of the movie we have to sit though yet again the various cliches that we typically see in this genre, with no real new twist to them - not really badly done, but tired and familiar. Near the end, there is an intriguing development with an alliance of sorts, but unfortunately it's dealt only at face value at most, and is finished with after a few minutes. The production values are pretty decent, and C. Thomas Howell (cast against type) is surprisingly good as the serial killer the bland Muldoon pursues. But overall there's really no real reason to seek it out, especially if you're burned out on serial killer movies like I am. Maybe if it comes on TV when you're bored and have nothing else to do...
mccloskeyc This movie was a fun ride! There were good twists and turns, and at times it was pretty scary. I particulary enjoyed the directing and cinematography as the shots were very cool and the whole mood was dark and menacing - particulary the opening shots and the chase through the woods at night in the snow. This is definitely a movie worth seeing.
rockyz20 Well, first off, my cousin directed this movie (Jeremy Haft), but I'd like to say that my opinion has nothing to do with my relation to him. I thought that the plot of the movie was great, it kept you on the edge of your seat. Not many people have seen it because I believe it hasn't really been released to anything yet, but I was at the premier. The actors are great and the lines are unforgettable. You'll remember the thrill of this movie forever. :)I know I will.