Red Serpent
Red Serpent
| 05 October 2002 (USA)
Red Serpent Trailers

A powerful drug cartel in Moscow wants to use American businessman Steve Nichols in a smuggling scheme and ensures his cooperation by kidnapping his daughter. So Nichols solicits the help of a former KGB agent.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
jeremy_shops I did get paid to script-doctor "Red Serpent." It "starred" Roy Scheider (before he died; although that could've been optional I think). They flew him into Moscow for two days and had him read lines off a cue card into a cell phone in front of the Kremlin.Then I got a call to script-doctor the project. My assignment: "We don't want this to be too 'Russian.'" Notice I'm not in the credits. As a Script Doctor, that's not how it works usually. It's a day-job with no credits or residuals. (Damn! If I got residuals I could probably SuperSize at McDonald's some day!) But it was worse -- 2 hours worse -- before I got it.Half of it had been shot (all of the Scheider scenes and most of the action stuff). I contributed to pasting the existing stuff into something vaguely coherent. I was not entirely successful in that enterprise.Plot holes! I scoff at plot holes! They gave me plot canyons! 'Cause y'know, an hour of Roy Scheider talking into a cell phone with the Kremlin looming in the background and everyone else in the cast (except for Michael Pare) reading their lines phonetically with heavy Russian accents... it's one of my prouder moments and actually paid the rent for most of a year.And you shoulda seen some of the pages that didn't make the final cut! I tell ya, it had a chance to be really really.... not awful.Not really.
eclipse1415 Well this has got to be the single worst movie I have ever watched. I am Russian and I couldn't believe this crap. This movie takes advantage of every single Russian stereotype and it does so without any skill or taste. Acting literally sucked. Special effects..... WHAT SPECIAL EFFECTS!? I thought this movie couldn't have got any worst until I saw the helicopter scene at the end of the movie. That scene left me sitting there with my mouth half open in disbelief that someone thought that was a good idea. This is as low budget as they get. If on certain night you find yourself desperate for some entertainment and just happen to have a copy of this movie laying around might I suggest finding a nice brick wall and just bang your head on it for an hour or so... I think you will find that a whole lot more satisfying
jjgarris7 This movie can be slow at times but overall will leave the viewers with question of whether or not it was worth it. Not until the second viewing could I appreciate the subtleties and intricacies contained therein. The movie was excellent with respect to the acting, directing and especially editing. Other titles to look for are show chickens and College Town USA. If you expect to find this movie as another Roy Schieder in Jaws, look elsewhere. If you on the other hand wish to see a feature rich with humor (albeit unanticipated) look no further. Other films I would cite as a reference point would be Gummo, Evil Dead, and Bottle Rocket.
bent-tranberg I once had such a great urge to be entertained that I fell to the temptation to buy "Supergirl". It's by far the worst movie in my DVD collection. Until yesterday evening it was also the worst movie I've ever seen. Now I've found one orders of magnitudes worse. Or should I say hilarious?Me and two friends rented this movie, Red Serpent, which first nearly bored us to death with its lousy technical quality, really really bad performing actors, homemade stunts and awful(ly missing) plot. In the second half of the movie, we honestly didn't think it could get any worse, but it just continued going downhill, and we just couldn't help laughing louder and louder. The final scene was the funniest of it all, no thanks to the creators of this awful goo of a movie.If you're looking for an action movie, shy away from this one. If you like movies a la "Jackass - The Movie", and you're looking for a good laugh, this may be a good candidate.