Red Letters
Red Letters
| 09 June 2000 (USA)
Red Letters Trailers

A college professor reluctantly hides an escaped female convict who tries to get him to help prove her innocent of a murder.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Rodimus78 Has to be on of Peter Coyote's best acting jobs today. Of course Peter is most recognized from his charater in the epic film E.T. and of course, who can forget The Legend of Billy Jean. Peter portrays and alcoholic college professor(Dennis Burke) just released from a former College on the grounds of sexual harassment. Opening scene in this movie is one of a kind. At his new College, Dennis is befriended by a wanna be computer hacker, Thurston Clarque(Jeremy Piven), and not a bad portrayal of the computer hacker from Piven. As Dennis tries to adjust to his new living, he begins receiving letters from an unknown woman(Natassja Kinski), trying to reach the man that once lived in the apartment. Dennis begins making contact with this myterious woman, and only to find out that she is in a woman's correctional facility, for a brutal crime she claims she didn't do. If things couldn't get any more complicated for Dennis, his sexually frustrated student, Gretchen, played by flawlessly by (Fairuza Balk ) is now infatuated with him, probably because of the sexual art book he wrote in the past. Trying to deal with Gretchen and Lydia, Dennis' friend Thurston has some how hacked in the correctional facility to help Lydia escape. Reasons for this act are not clearly informed in the movie. now Lydia is out of jail and Thurston now in custody, puts Dennis in a world of lies, deciet, and murder. Other fellow cast members include Ernie Hudson who gives a great supporting actn and Udo Kier. Watch and enjoy.
knapper-2 This was a surprise. Peter Coyote is one of the few actors I can imagine who actually convinces you that he is an expert on Hawthorne. Unlike many such movies, the college setting was convincing. Nastassja Kinski smolders quietly, and effectively, as the girl who may or may not be a murderer, Fairuza Balk is enticing and funny as the dean's daughter who falls for Coyote, and when is it not a pleasure to watch Jeremy Piven doing "Jeremy Piven"?Any movie that makes you want to re-read Hawthorne is worth watching. Maybe For English Majors Only, but thoroughly enjoyable to the end.
George Parker In "Red Letters", Coyote is at the vortex of as a college professor who writes to a female prison inmate and gets more than he bargained for. There are two reasons to watch this flick...Kinski is one and Piven the other although it's difficult for their sparks to shine in such a complete directorial disaster. Everything is wrong with "Red Letters"...convoluted, lousy screenplay, camera, editing, and most of all acting which is subpar for Coyote, etc. Battersby has taken a story with potential and turned it into a seriously flawed and amateurish flick not worth the time.
Rockster-2 Caught this on DVD. Watched it mainly because I like most of the cast members -- Coyote, the luscious Kinski and Faruzia Balk, and Jeremy Piven (from THE LARRY SANDERS SHOW). Assumed from the cover it was going to be one of those late night cable erotic thrillers (and the delicious nudity contained within the opening scene seemed to confirm that), but it turned out to be much more.An interesting, twisty story, well shot and well directed, with across-the-board good performances from all involved. Even Pauly Shore (I suffered a chill of dread when he showed up late in the film) was okay. Coyote's dilemma escalates steadily throughout the film in a compelling fashion, so I was disappointed when the third act didn't pay things off in a way I found believable, or up to the level of the rest of the picture. Still, well worth giving a look. A real pleasant surprise.