ReBoot - My Two Bobs
ReBoot - My Two Bobs
| 25 November 2001 (USA)
ReBoot - My Two Bobs Trailers

Will the real Bob please step forward? There might not be a virus, but life's still interesting in Mainframe when a second Bob comes on the scene. No one knows which is which - including the two Bobs. With wedding preparations underway, Dot can't decide who to marry and turns to her friends for assistance. Meanwhile, an old enemy returns to the system and only one of the Sprites can save the Mainframe inhabitants. ReBoot: My Two Bobs is a 2001 Canadian made-for-TV movie based on the series ReBoot directed by George Samilski. The movie is set after the first three seasons of ReBoot, and along with another ReBoot movie, Daemon Rising, is considered the fourth season. It was originally broadcast in Canada as a film, but was later rebroadcast as 4 individual episodes.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Matt Thomas I just got it for Christmas and I watched It I was ecstatic to see how everything played out then I found out that Megabyte took over the Web! That is the worst possible way to end a series. I know that the show is known for making chunks or episodes then having a LONG hiatus but this is unacceptable. How could someone make the villain win. And have all the heroes scattered about the Principal Office. It seems that there may never be a resolution to the end since Networks might have forgot about Reboot but if the chance did come up I'm sure Cartoon Network could re introduce the show then put the ending on but the Mainframe website had Reboot under complete so they might have moved on or are crafting a ending. Hopefully we will someday see a fitting end to our heroes troubles.
jpicard know things are a little slower in Australia, however I have finally just got to see Season 4, (thanks to a Canadian DVD store that I bought the DVD from), and I must say well done! what an excellent series!I have followed reboot since its very 1st season back in 1994 (10 years, has it really been that long?). REBOOT proves that excellent story writing, great voice actors, and great production can be written in to so called "children's programmes", though I class reboot in the field of Japanese Manga, where animation is not just for kids for but adults too!To the makers of REBOOT , well done, and I cant wait for a conclusion to the cliff-hanger.(if there is one?)... I am so glad that fans have power to bring back series as good as reboot (like far scape to name just but one)!GO SEE IT NOW !
Pidgey27 This movie (I got to see it as a movie :) ) absolutely blew my mind. For one thing, I was glad that "Bob Bob" had the same voices as the original (Ian James Cortlett). But more than that, it was incredible how Mainframe Entertainment Inc. managed to incorporate so many little details from past episodes into the movies. Except they left us with a HUGE cliffhanger. Why? Why? Why? We need more episodes!
Robert Colt Well, I've seen this wonderful second segment of Reboot's comeback on Cartoon Network, which is airing as the 4th Season of Reboot. This version of Reboot, seems to be a return or revisiting of old style humor that show was known for when it started up on ABC. However, some folks who come to know the series have become fond of it for its Action/Adventure theme from its Second/Third seasons. I think if no one has been seen the first part of the 4th season *Daemon Raising*, they will be utterly confused on what is going on, and possibly find it boring due lack of action in first few episodes. However by mid segment it picks up quite nicely. This segment is more about hidden agendas and trying figure out what is big mystery. Its going all nice and suddenly it comes with a left hook of surprise. There something to be said about good writers hard to find these days. Seems there a lot in Canada! This is an excellent show, I think everyone should try the watching entire series and watch it evolve.