Rebirth of Mothra II
Rebirth of Mothra II
| 13 December 1997 (USA)
Rebirth of Mothra II Trailers

The fairies from Infant Island discover a lost city, as well as a giant monster that is attracted to environmental calamities.

Mischa Redfern I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Cassandra Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
JLRVancouver As was the previous instalment in the "Mothra Rebirth" trilogy, this movie is clearly intended for children. The main (human) characters are three kids and there are pretty fairies in brightly coloured outfits riding a 'cute' moth, a non-threatening 'evil' fairy riding a 'cute' dragon, goofy comic-relief 'bad guys', a Furby-like creature with which one of the children bonds, a monster to fight, and lots of coloured lights, rainbows, and sparkles. The somewhat incoherent plot finds Earth once again threatened by a monster (Dagahra) reacting to our environmental negligence and, once again, the two fairies recruiting Mothra to defend us. The kids (and the comic-relief teen-agers being manipulated by Belvera, the cackling evil fairy) travel to an ancient castle to find a secret treasure that can defeat Dagahra (and his horde of predatory starfish). There is lots of running through castle corridors and couple of fights between the kaiju before a colourful Deus ex Machina climax, in which Mothra reveals even more magical abilities. While I am clearly not the target audience, I found the movie a dull and trite rehash of 1996's "Rebirth of Mothra". I was also watching an indifferently English-dubbed version which I'm sure didn't help. Other than the emergence of the ancient castle from the ocean and some early city wrecking, both of which were reasonably well done, the special effects were unimpressive. Dagahra looked like a large plastic toy and, even by 1970's suit-mation standards, was neither 'realistic' nor interesting. Mothra continues to the trend to be more colourful and now boasts a variety of 'energy weapons" (?) that seem to emanate from multiple places on her body (resulting in kaiju battles that are primarily repetitious light shows) as well the ability to turn into both some kind of flying-fish morph or a flock of little Mothras. There is also some kind of spiritual-tribble called "Ghogo", which will appeal to the very young or lovers of cloyingly-cute fur balls and who has a special healing power which I won't describe (but may result in a lot of sniggering amongst older boy viewers). I can't judge this movie through the eyes of a child, but I do watch a lot of children's movies and enjoy kaiju of all qualities, and IMO, "Rebirth of Mothra II" is insipid, uninteresting live action film that is just a notch above a forgettable cartoon.
The_Depressed_Star_Wars_fan This movie is okay. As always lets star with the plot. Three kids join Mothra's priestesses on a journey to find the Lost Treasure of Nilai Kinai, an ancient lost "under-the-sea" civilization in hopes of preserving the Earth's declining environment. Pollution has unyielded the evil monster Dagahra (Who reminds me of Godzilla for some reason), a monster seemingly too powerful for Mothra to vanquish. As a result, the environment's fate lies in the hands of the Lost Treasure. (Special Thanks to Oliver Chu for the summary.) Well it isn't as ridicules as the plot to the other films in the trilogy. But still pretty damn silly. I guess this movie is trying to have some kind of save the environment theme, like GODZILLA VS HEADORAH. Which was another weird movie. Actually in this movie Dagahra is a lot like Hedorah, because of the fact that he like lives of of pollution, or some like that. Isn't that interesting. The effects in this movie are decent, better than the effects in the first movie. But still nothing special, like AVATAR or THE LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy. The dubbing in this movie is awful. That can pretty much be expected. So all in all this is an okay movie probably better for the kids though.
barugon I thought this was a really enjoyable movie, though aimed very much at kids. It reminded me of the old-style Gamera flicks, but with an important difference: the kid-heros behaved much more like real children than the insufferable brats of 60's monster movies.However, my adult-brain has some reservations about it. Most of all, I found the inevitable "what I learned from the Monster" message appalling: the kids suggest it's best not to know too much, and much better to stay uninformed and let God straighten everything out. That's probably not the interpretation the film-makers wanted, but I thought that was what came across, loud and clear.Another problem -- less serious and actually kind of endearing -- is the poverty of the special effects. Oh, don't get me wrong: some of the effects are first rate, especially those involving Mothra's transformations; and the matte shots are way ahead of the first "Mothra" (1996), where I found myself thinking of bad 70's sci-fi. But I've never seen more visible wire-work outside of a Full Moon picture. Otherwise impressive shots of Dagahrla streaking through the skies are ruined by the obvious cables running from its back. Then there's the Gogo, that bizarre Furby-like creature that creates miracles by peeing on things... even when you can't see the wire attached to his head, you just KNOW it's there.Much more fun and far less ponderous than some of the later Godzilla flicks, this movie will appeal to anyone who has a lingering affection for the old Gamera movies, shortcomings and all. Just try not to think about it too much...
djzilla Although some kaiju fans consider a majority of this film a joke, I do not.What you have here is a great little film, made on a small budget, that not only entertains but also keeps the the series going in the same direction as the first of the trilogy, Mothra (1996).In this film, a creature by the name of Go-Go is discovered by some fishermen. The creature flees and is discovered by some local kids who together with Moll and Lora (Mothra's fairies) head off the coastline to discover a "secret treasure." They are pursued by the fishermen, now controled by Belvera (the evil sister fairie). When they arrive at a point in the ocean, Go-Go raises a temple from under the water and they go inside to investigate.They discover a horrible monster is being unleased. Dagahra has been awakened by the pollution of man and is wreaking havoc on the island and the fairies have to summon Mothra to battle it.The fight sequences in this movie are well done, especially for the first major battle between MothraLeo and Dagahra. Some kaiju fans may have a problem with AquaMothra but all in all, this is a fun movie and should be enjoyed by all!
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