Really Weird Tales
Really Weird Tales
| 04 October 1986 (USA)
Really Weird Tales Trailers

The movie consists of three odd and strange tales that each teach a different lesson.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Red-Barracuda This is without doubt the worst omnibus movie I have ever seen. It's basically a crap Twilight Zone type of thing. But without any of the imagination that made that show interesting. The three stories here all try to mix weirdness with humour. I think it's supposed to be a parody of the genre but it's so witless it's hard to notice. Martin Short, John Candy and Catherine O'Hara star in this but none of them can elevate it much. The first story is about robot playmates, the second is about a charismatic salesman and the third about a nun who makes people explode. The writing is terrible and without exception every single segment is completely pointless. I can't recommend this to anyone really. It's very bad.
merklekranz All fans of both Martin Short and John Candy beware! Both segments, Short's and Candy's, are really weak, uninteresting, and strictly predictable, or utterly ridiculous. The third segment is mildly successful, but no better than a Saturday Night Live skit. Perhaps two giggles total in all three segments makes this not worth the time to view. Absolutely disregard the rave reviews on this site, or you will be destined to follow my mistake of putting far to much hope in the named actors. This is not even on a par with National Lampoon's most tiresome efforts. Save your time and save your money, and avoid, avoid, avoid. - MERK
genzpromo OK so Really Weird Tales has 3 short stories... The first one has Martin Short playing this cocky singer, hired by a guy somewhat resembling hugh hefner, at his mansion with a lot of girls who was in his magazine. Has to do with robots, corny and cocky, not my favorite one. The next one I don't believe I even finished watching, about aliens I suppose. John Candy plays this guy who comes to this town and I believe trys to make the town rich or something, the only part I liked was the blue lipstick on John Candy at the end. The third and final is the best. Catherine O'hare plays this girl with special powers, who for the past 20 years (give or take) was in a church living with mean nuns (everyone loves a movie with nuns). The nuns were mean because they "feared for their lives". She had powers to destroy anyone she loved. She blew them up on the spot. She went to get help and someone told her she had a case of PABUS, and the only way she could get rid of it was to fall in love with someone she hated. This short story has corny yet funny lines and I still say lines from it today... The moral of this whole review is, see this, but don't expect the greatest movie of all time...think of it like a fun movie to see, plus if you like sctv, you might dig this.
tromafan-2 A couple months ago I was browsing through a used book/movie store and found a pile of this movie. All were brand new and marked $2.99. I took one look and saw who starred and picked it up. Watching this movie is like watching "Sizzle beach U.S.A. (Kevin Costner's first film). The stars all look different, and the acting is pretty cheesy. The first tale "All well that ends strange" features Martin Short as a third rate lounger looking for some action, but then discovers whas really behind those buxom bodies and cute smiles. The second "Cursed with Charisma" is about the town of Fitchville who gets tricked by a no money down real estate boom. "I'll die loving" the last storie has a hilarious Catherein O' Hara with a really strange porblem. All stories teach a lesson and are really weird tales.