| 07 February 2011 (USA)
Reagan Trailers

Based on the story of Americas enigmatic career of one of the revered architects of the modern world - icon, screen star, and two-term president, Ronald Reagan.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Alicia I love this movie so much
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Al Rodbell I watched this on Link TV, a liberal cable channel specializing in those such as Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn, so I expected it to be scathing. It certainly stripped away many illusions, but while strongly critical the results of trickle down, and the limits of his grasp of complexity of issues; it defined his positions fairly.He did evolve from a New Deal Democrat, leading his Actors Union against management, but also was viscerally opposed to global Marxism, and the social revolution of the 1960s.The insights of Morris, his official biographer for almost a decade, along with Cannon who wrote several biographies including when he was Governor, provide special scholarly insight.The current Republican conservatives forget that he pass what was an actual amnesty for illegal-undocumented immigrants, and actually increased both government spending and deficits.It could be that his hawkish policies early on allowed him more latitude to connect with someone eager to wind down the cold war, Michel Gorbechev. History doesn't allow for controlled experiments so we can't re-run events with a different leader at the helm.I commend this documentary for those who lived through the era, but events have become hazy.
zaniac-67268 This documentary was shown with a leftist viewpoint. Since I was born in 1949 and lived through 12 presidents I have more knowledge gained through experience than those who read about things. The country almost went bust during Carter's administration due to his fiscal policies and lack of respect throughout the world. President Reagan brought back the United States with his tax policies and strong defense policy. The words that basically said it all was that if you tax the workers and give money to those who don't work, people won't work. That is exactly what we've created today with free health care, free housing and free food. Granted, the War On Drugs was a failure just as the War On Poverty was as is the War On Terror. All in all, Reagan was a great leader of the United States. He was at least as good as Eisenhower. The country flourished during their presidencies.
Michael_Elliott Reagan (2011) *** 1/2 (out of 4) Very good HBO documentary from director Eugene Jarecki takes a look at the life and career of Ronald Reagan. The documentary follows him from his childhood all the way up to his death and covers just about everything one could hope for. This includes his time in Hollywood, his days as the leader of SAG, his cooperate salesman job, his getting into politics and of course his run for President of the United States. I think whether you love or hate Reagan, this documentary will leave you impressed even though I did find a few strange things in it. The film opens up talking about how wonderful Reagan was and it really makes you think that you're about to see some love feast for him. The documentary is pretty much this until the final twenty-minutes when it turns to show some of the negative things that Reagan did and this here caught me off guard because of how "kind" the film was being to him. I actually thought it was good that some of the other side got to question some of the things that the President did because it makes the film seem a lot more even. The majority of the running time takes a look at Reagan's eight years in the office as we see his popularity rise but then take a hit on the controversial hostage situation that he got into. We also see the assassination attempt as well as hearing some great stories about what he was up to after his acting career ended and his term in office began.
Danny Blankenship To mark the 100th birthday of President Reagan HBO just recently showed a doc titled "Reagan" and I must say director Eugene Jarecki made the film rich and moving with footage from the entire life of Ronald both personal and political. The film chronicles from his 1911 birth till his 2004 death from Alzheimer's. Interesting is seeing behind the scenes footage from his early days as an actor, and plenty of important footage from his two terms as the 40th U.S. president is shown.This doc is very educational as many may not know that Reagan as an actor was the SAG president and later a spokesperson for GE and this was a turning point for his politics from liberal democrat to conservative republican. As Ronald saw at GE how company profits worked making him pro business with trickled down economics and with Hollywood's liberal support of communism he broke away from that crowd becoming very anti communist and more of a war hawk.After then you see how his good looks, and success of being a well known actor and speaking voice and charisma lead him to becoming California's governor he clearly was a man with the will power and spunk to accomplish he had all the makings of a strong leader. Which would later propel him into the presidency.So in 1980 he crushed and beat Jimmy Carter by a landslide in the election it certainly was a new era in politics. Especially with the religious right shaping him, America, and the republican party with moral values. Clearly he was a man who cared about people.During the doc you aside from the clips and footage you hear from historians, staff members, journalists, and biographers and family members who tell what an influence that second wife Nancy was on his presidency and life. And many point out Ronald's negatives like economists and international advisers mention Reagan's blunders of massive tax cuts which grew deficits during the 80's with high unemployment and telling was the Iran contra scandal which almost rocked his second term. So Ronnie wasn't a perfect man as he during his second term also ignored the AIDS crisis and fought hard against labor unions.Love him or hate him Ronald Reagan will go down as a memorable icon both culturally and politically a leader who had a lasting impact. He was a man of many faces salesman,actor, politician, leader, religious man and controversial yet thru it all his legacy shines and last in the sunset sea to shining sea.